lun/Volumenames - again with 2.71
im on 2.71 and have the same problem again on a G1500 ->
But, company regulation tells me that its forbidden to send data
We build 4 new Luns, give them a name. Stor2rrd idetify this new luns with the Lun-ID. But no name on the LUNs.
I do the thing from the old thread....and today on that 2 G1500 (GAD) all lun-names are gone. I see only the LUN-Ldev-Ids.
Any ideas how to get the names back?
Thanks !
Configuration for VSP storage is done every 6 hours. If you want to see new configure before, execute the following commands:
cd /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd # or where is your STOR2RRD working dir
rm data/<STORAGE_ALIAS>/IOSTATS/configuration/config-*touch
wait about 15 minute
./ html
refresh GUI.
You should see names of new Luns.
Let us know.
Thank you
I do this yesterday but up today there is no new "config*.touch" file. Will try it again
Hmmm. Did not work. But i found that in the Logs. Never delete that file.Wed Mar 25 00:06:14 2020: XXXXXXX FILE /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd/data/XXXXXXX/HOST/hosts.cfg does not exist : No such file or directory /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd/bin/ Mar 25 00:06:13 2020: XXXXXXX FILE /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd/data/XXXXXXX/HOST/hosts.cfg does not exist : No such file or directory /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd/bin/
Hello,Please send us logs and IOSTATS files from affected storage (storage where you can not see names of luns - please their names).
cd /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd # or where is your STOR2RRD working dir
tar cvhf logs.tar logs tmp/*txt data/<STORAGE-ALIAS>/IOSTATS/*
gzip -9 logs.tar
Send us logs.tar.gz via
You might even attach screenshots when it helps in understanding of the issue.
Thank you.
I just do that on the same day. Still no volume names.
Howdy, Stranger!
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