ssh authorization: nok

Hi, so I am getting below error message when I am trying to run the connection test from STOR2RRD GUI to the IBM FS5200 unit running code


ssh authorization: nok

script /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd/bin/ timed out after : 30 seconds


I have created a specific STOR2RRD user for the application with MONITOR rights and I have two other 5200 units and two 5000 units running with same settings without any issue. I have tested to remove the faulty 5200 unit and run the ./ script between every trying.

Found the forum thread and I have tested ./bin/ script and I got below response.



Any ideas what I am missing?


  • Hi,

    is ssh working?

    ssh -l stor2rrd <storage name/IP>

    do you use ssh key based auth or password one, which one do you use it on storage devices which work?

    stor2rrd version

  • I can successfully connect using SSH.

  • ok, can you answer rest of my questions?

    do you use ssh key based auth or password one, which one do you use it on storage devices which work?

    stor2rrd version

  • Sorry, my bad ... I thought information could be seen in the screenshot.

    I am using password authentication, and I am using the same type for the rest of the storage units as well. All of the storage units have password authentication with complex password.

  • But now I noticed the line "Warning: the ECDSA host key for 'NAME' differs from the key for the IP address 'IP ADDRESS'" and maybe that could be the problem?

    This specific unit have been a member for a cluster at some part of the installation and I think I did attach the unit to STOR2RRD at some point as well before the cluster was erased again.

  • Solved it by running ssh-keygen -R [NAME] and the ssh-keygen -R [IP ADDRESS]

    Now I got a successful connection from STOR2RRD GUI test connection tool.

  • I am not sure how it is related, but lets fix it at first.


    and either remove it

    ssh-keygen -R my.server.domain

    or change it

    ssh-keyscan -t ecdsa my.server.domain >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts

    then try connection again, screenshot again

    you can even contact us at support at stor2rrd dot com directly to avoid putting here sensitive data

  • Thanks Pavel for your quick feedback, now it looks good!

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