Xormon-NG timezone

Hi there,

I'm using xormon-ng on docker compose and tried to follow instructions to correct timezone but it still show the times wrong.

Any suggestions?


  • what exactly have you done and what would you expect?

  • We have the same issue. We are using Xormon NG on VM (RHEL 8.10). We checked timezone on OS few times:

    $ timedatectl

                  Local time: Fri 2024-11-08 10:30:31 EET

              Universal time: Fri 2024-11-08 08:30:31 UTC

                    RTC time: Fri 2024-11-08 08:30:31

                   Time zone: Europe/Kyiv (EET, +0200)

    System clock synchronized: yes

                 NTP service: active

             RTC in local TZ: no

    But all graphs show data in UTC.

    How we can change it to show all graphs in local time (not UTC)?

  • Hi Partizan,

    you can set the timezone in the user profile

  • go to UI --> user settings on the top right --> profile --> timezone

  • Many thanks!

  • I also have a problem with time in xormon-ng. My time zone is GMT+5. But when I set my WebGUI profile to use GMT+5, I got the opposite result. It subtracts 5 hours, instead of adding it to UTC. And same for GMT-5 - it add 5hours to GMT

  • "etc/GMT is a bit tricky, read for example this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7303580/understanding-the-etc-gmt-time-zone

    New coming version 1.8.0 of XorMon NG will not use "etc" based settings, it is confusing for users

  • Ok. Asia/Almaty TZ notation is more clear in this case.

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