Custom Group empty (2.40/SAN/BNA)
i installed it from scratch (free version) and it works great with BNA. All ports ar shown and so on.
BUT: I try to build a custom group. One Switch, 2 Ports...thats it. Save, wait......
Port itself get data. If i try to load the custom group the page went empty. Only the custom group name ist display. No graphs, nothing.
Any ideas? Its a red hat and, as i say, if i look at the ports under the switch everything is fine.
I try reboots, reload, Chrome, FF, IE .
i installed it from scratch (free version) and it works great with BNA. All ports ar shown and so on.
BUT: I try to build a custom group. One Switch, 2 Ports...thats it. Save, wait......
Port itself get data. If i try to load the custom group the page went empty. Only the custom group name ist display. No graphs, nothing.
Any ideas? Its a red hat and, as i say, if i look at the ports under the switch everything is fine.
I try reboots, reload, Chrome, FF, IE .
Courious. On an other install from a friend (other location) i can click the custom groups. Here i cant. I can click "Config" and all the other things in the menu, but "ISL" did not work.
Name dosent care, all other names/groups did also not work.
Hi,we see the problem and can reproduce it at us (sqares used for alias cause a problem).We will provide you a fix today/tomorrow ...
Sound pretty good. Thanks
An updates older version are working pretty good after the update. Guess "some" old file need for this ^^ -
1. Install this patchDownload the patch file, untar it and install as the owner of STOR2RRD installation:
Download link:
su - stor2rrd
tar xvf stor2rrd-2.40-04.tar
cd stor2rrd-2.40-04
cd /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd
refresh the GUI when it finishes (Ctrl-F5)2. edit etc/web_config/custom_groups.cfg and either remove all lines which contain squares [] or place in front of them backslash like in this example:SANPORT:.*BNA.*:2-0 \[ISL_brocade01-BNA_2_0\]:group1./ customCtrk-F5 in the GUI
Will do this tomorrow. Thx
Here we go. It works. Problm is gone.
Regards -
Just a question after a while. After some month i cant set custom groups. Is that right so?VOLUME:sys1:00\:70\:74:clusterXVOLUME:sys1:00\:70\:75:clusterXVOLUME:sys2:00\:70\:74:clusterXVOLUME:sys2:00\:70\:75:clusterX
The custom group is empty. SAN works perfect with custom groups. Its hitachi -
format looks good, any error during./ custom
Looks like...Custom did not see the custom group. Sorry for blanking. F2 = Custom_Group2. Then comes a group ending with **00. No line from the Custom group with the luns.creating custom: ****-F2:loss_sync:wcreating custom: ****-F2:loss_sync:mcreating custom: ****-F2:loss_sync:ycreating custom: ****-F2:loss_sync-trend:yFinished : Wed May 27 07:13:42 2020, run time: 0 secsstart time html: Wed May 27 07:13:42 CEST 2020installing WWW :
Send us logs.
Note a short problem description in the text field of the upload form.
cd /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd # or where is your STOR2RRD working dir
tar cvhf logs.tar logs tmp/*txt etc/web_config/custom_groups.cfg
gzip -9 logs.tar
Send us logs.tar.gz via
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