Graphs in Custom group - wrong scale
i test arround with this tool. I setup a custom group for my DWDM and the data on the ports itself shown correct.
But in the custom group i see 2 ports up to 400Mb/s what they never reach - as you can see in the "max" and "average" table below. 2of them are shown correct (blue and red). I try yesterday to delete alle datas, but that dosent solve that problem. Its onyl seen in custom groups.

i test arround with this tool. I setup a custom group for my DWDM and the data on the ports itself shown correct.
But in the custom group i see 2 ports up to 400Mb/s what they never reach - as you can see in the "max" and "average" table below. 2of them are shown correct (blue and red). I try yesterday to delete alle datas, but that dosent solve that problem. Its onyl seen in custom groups.

custom group graph is aggregated, it means that all traffic from all selected ports is cumulated (stacked).
I thing it is ok from your screenshots.
OK. Thanks
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