Remove not needed devices

I had a storage device in xormonNG, which was already removed. But it is still showing in the left panel, and the graphs are still there. How can I delete it permanently?


  • Hello,

    send us logs

    UI --> settings --> Logs --> support logs: follow the form

    Send us generated file via

    Note a reference pls.

  • I have uploaded the log, but there was no link for direct access. I just received the confirmation email. I inserted a link to this discussion in the upload notes.

  • There was an issue in earlier versions where microservice was able to collect data one additional time after it was removed and so it would stay in the menu. Fixed since 1.7. You can remove the records that are still there with the following sql query or wait for 7 days and it will be removed automatically.

    su root
    su postgres
    psql -d xormon -c "delete from object_items where label in ('CHA-V7-CL02 ','<INSERT LABEL OF OTHER ITEM TO DELETE>');"

  • Thank you! It works.

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