how to add 350 switch to STOR2RRD

edited April 28 in STOR2RRD


How to add 350 of SW's at once

It is not possible to add them one by one


    1. in the SAN cfg UI you might use "cloning" option
    2. edit manually etc/web_config/devicecfg.json, keep file permissions same
  • iam new on STOR2RRD.

    Could you please more clairfication

  • Pavel
    edited April 28
    1. UI --> settings --> SAN/LAN --> add 1 switch, then use "clone" icon and change IP and name at least
    2. if you prefere manual aditing then cfg is in a json file, create 1 switch to see the syntax, then you can copy&paste directly in the json file if you are familiar with json formta (it is not conmplicated) : cd /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd; vi etc/web_config/devicecfg.json
  • The actual method for adding a number of switches at once is not available at the date of writing this comment. I hope that it will be calculated and added in the next update.

    Although I have a license with support

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