Synology SNMPv3 issue

edited October 2020 in STOR2RRD
I wanted to add a Synology NAS but it seems that there's a bug. I'm only allowed to use SNMPv3 to access the NAS so I added it with all the information needed. As a result I'm getting this:

Error: passphrase chosen is below the length requirements of the USM (min=8).
Tue Oct 20 15:38:12 2020: SNMP session to SERVERNAME cannot be created. /home/lpar2rrd/stor2rrd/bin/ : 
/usr/bin/snmpwalk -v 3 -u USERNAME -l authPriv -a SHA -x AES SERVERNAME .
If I try manually with the following line on the server directly it works:
/usr/bin/snmpwalk -v 3 -u USERNAME -l authPriv -a SHA -A PASSPHRASE -x AES -X PASSPHRASE SERVERNAME .
Is there a reason why the software doesn't use the passphrase delivered in the device setup?
The passphrase is 14 characters long.


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