SVC and Capacity chart
Hi,do not you have wrong time on the SVC (is not it in other time zone)?
The SVC has the correct time, but in STOR2RRD, the "Last Data Update" always has 2 hours less.
¿How can I correct it? -
Hi,yep, this exaplains why somethimes it is there and then it disappear. It get capacity from last 2 is saved with storage local time.What time is here?grep "Interval Start" tmp/<SVC alias name>-perf-last.txt| head -1Is it more less actual?
Hi,The time is:[root@lpar2rrd ~]# grep "Interval Start" /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd/tmp/SVC_PMI-perf-last.txt | head -1
Interval Start: 2020-02-25 09:28:45And the actual time is:[root@lpar2rrd ~]# date
Tue Feb 25 11:55:38 CET 2020
are really sure that the SVC has correct time?send us logs if so, note SVC name aliasNote a short problem description in the text field of the upload form.
cd /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd # or where is your STOR2RRD working dir
tar cvhf logs.tar logs tmp/*txt
gzip -9 logs.tar
Send us logs.tar.gz via
Hi,Logs uploaded.Best regards,
I have modified the Sample Rate in TCP, and it seems that the problem has been fixed.
Thank you very much Pavel, you are the best!
Best regards,
Howdy, Stranger!
- 1.6K All Categories
- 156 LPAR2RRD
- 13 VMware
- 16 IBM i
- 2 oVirt / RHV
- 4 MS Windows and Hyper-V
- Solaris / OracleVM
- XenServer / Citrix
- Nutanix
- 7 Database
- 2 Cloud
- 10 Kubernetes / OpenShift / Docker
- 131 STOR2RRD
- 19 SAN
- 7 LAN
- 18 IBM
- 5 EMC
- 12 Hitachi
- 5 NetApp
- 15 HPE
- Lenovo
- 1 Huawei
- 2 Dell
- Fujitsu
- 2 DataCore
- 4 Pure Storage
- Oracle