Issue: Total graphs not working, new SAN additions not working
Since the newest releast (2.52->2.60) a few things broke, it seems.
Adding a new device via storage-list.cfg, I later tried adding via the GUI; but ended up removing that again.
File not exist /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd/data/XXXX-HV-StorageXX/VOLUME/volumes.cfg: No such file or directory/home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd/bin/ /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd/bin/
Total menu point, showing all san graphs not working,
Thu Oct 17 10:14:49 2019: ALL:STORAGE:io_rate:sum:9: ALL:STORAGE:io_rate failed ERROR: No DS called 'read_io' in '/home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd/data/XXXX-HV-StorageXX/POOL/0-pcap.rrd' at /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd/bin/ line 4837.
Hi,if possible logs pls.Note a short problem description in the text field of the upload form.
cd /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd # or where is your STOR2RRD working dir
tar cvhf logs.tar logs tmp/*txt
gzip -9 logs.tar
Send us logs.tar.gz via
BTW that "Total" issue is already fixed (affected are only users of Storwize/Flashes using NVMe cards),There will be a new release with a few fixes and enhancements next week (2.61)
hot fix for "Total" issue-rwxrwxr-x 1 stor2rrd stor2rrd 730109 Oct 14 12:18 bin/storage.plGunzip it and copy to /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd/bin (755, stor2rrd owner)If your web browser gunzips it automatically then just rename it: mv storage.plAssure that file size is the same as on above example
Howdy, Stranger!
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