Error in update agent IBM i 1.0.2
Good day
I recently installed the agent update on IBM i to version 1.0.2 and appears this error each 1 minute:
IF: C_SNDSTS - connection Established()
WR: C_SNDSTS+ - read() server close().
IF: C_SNDSTS - re-connect().
IF: C_SNDSTS - connection Established()
WR: C_SNDSTS+ - read() server close().
IF: C_SNDSTS - re-connect().
IF: C_SNDSTS - connection Established()
WR: C_SNDSTS+ - read() server close().
IF: C_SNDSTS - re-connect().
IF: C_SNDSTS - connection Established()
WR: C_SNDSTS+ - read() server close().
IF: C_SNDSTS - re-connect().
IF: C_SNDSTS - connection Established()
WR: C_SNDSTS+ - read() server close().
I recently installed the agent update on IBM i to version 1.0.2 and appears this error each 1 minute:
IF: C_SNDSTS - connection Established()
WR: C_SNDSTS+ - read() server close().
IF: C_SNDSTS - re-connect().
IF: C_SNDSTS - connection Established()
WR: C_SNDSTS+ - read() server close().
IF: C_SNDSTS - re-connect().
IF: C_SNDSTS - connection Established()
WR: C_SNDSTS+ - read() server close().
IF: C_SNDSTS - re-connect().
IF: C_SNDSTS - connection Established()
WR: C_SNDSTS+ - read() server close().
IF: C_SNDSTS - re-connect().
IF: C_SNDSTS - connection Established()
WR: C_SNDSTS+ - read() server close().
I understand that you have upgraded the IBM i agent, right?
have you defined lpar2rrd server after upgrade as is described in the manual like this: CHGCMDDFT CMD(LPAR2RRD/RTV_SYSSTS) NEWDFT('IPADR(LPAR2RRD-SERVER.SERVER.COM)')
Have you upgraded even lpar2rrd server to 4.90?
Is the daemon running on port 8162?
Message means that the agent cannot connect to the server. -
Yes, I've upgraded the IBM i agent after upgrade the server. About the command CHGCMDDFT CMD(LPAR2RRD/RTV_SYSSTS) NEWDFT('IPADR(LPAR2RRD-SERVER.SERVER.COM)') it gives me error. It says that:
No se permite el operador de expresión para el parámetro IPADR.
Causa . . . . . : Se ha encontrado un operador de expresión inmediatamente
después o antes de una serie de caracteres sin blancos intermedios en un
parámetro que no soporta expresiones. Las expresiones de serie de caracteres
solo se permiten en mandatos CHGVAR, mandatos IF o en un parámetro definido
con EXPR(*YES). Las expresiones aritméticas, relacionales y lógicas solo se
permiten en los mandatos CHGVAR e IF. -
Excuse me. Here is in english
operator expression for the IPADR parameter is not allowed.
Cause . . . . . : It has been found expression operator immediately
before or after a string without intermediate targets in a
parameter does not support expressions. The character string expressions
only allowed in CHGVAR mandates, mandates IF or a defined parameter
with EXPR (* YES). Arithmetic, relational and logical expressions only
allowed in CHGVAR and IF commands. -
it has been only example, change lpar2rrd server name used in example LPAR2RRD-SERVER.SERVER.COM to your one or use IP adress instead
Our documentation says:
- Configuration
Change Monitor Server Name or IP addr (IPADR) to your running LPAR2RRD server
This step must be done again as it has been cleared out. Use same name(IP) as before.
For example if hostname is LPAR2RRD-SERVER.SERVER.COM.
Network connectivity verification via ping at first:
Verifying connection to host system LPAR2RRD-SERVER.SERVER.COM at address
Connection verification statistics: 5 of 5 successful (100 %).
Using IP address instead of hostname example:
I did it and I could execute the command by ip address, however appears the same message in the log of the SND_SYSSTS Job:
IF: C_SNDSTS - connection Established()
WR: C_SNDSTS+ - read() server close().
IF: C_SNDSTS - re-connect().
IF: C_SNDSTS - connection Established()
WR: C_SNDSTS+ - read() server close().
IF: C_SNDSTS - re-connect().
IF: C_SNDSTS - connection Established()
WR: C_SNDSTS+ - read() server close().
I think this is new to this version, because I see information from today about the lpar when was installed the upgrade witout the cpu_job tabs.
Anyone have done the upgraded yest? Can see the same message in the log of SND_SYSSTS Job? Is that correct?
Is there installed server version 4.90? (tail -1 etc/version.txt )
Is anything related on server side in logs/error.log-daemon
ls -l data//*/--AS400--
This is error in the server:
Use of uninitialized value $RRDp::error_mode in string eq at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.18.1/ line 168.
Wed Jul 13 14:03:11 2016: Client communication failed - client: ( ERROR: /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd/data/8233-E8B*10B4BBP/ torio i PTF--AS400--/JOB/ADMIN5 QLWISVR 192611.mmc: expected 6 data source readings (got 3) from 1468346346 at /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd/bin/lpar2rr line 3802. :
ok, do you have installed lpar2rrd server version 4.90 ?
If yes then delete this, it will fix it. It should have been deleted automatically during upgrade. There is a new format of data store for wrkactjob, top10 and IOtop, old data captured by beta version has to be deleted.
cd /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd
for as400_space in `find data -type d -name \*--AS400-- | sed 's/ /===space===/g'`
as400=`echo "$as400_space"| sed 's/===space===/ /g'`
if [ -d "$as400/JOB" ]; then
rm -f $as400/JOB/*
I ran the script and restart the job´s and i am presenting the same error.
error_mode in string eq at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.18.1/ line 168.
Asure there is enough of space in the filesystem on lpar2rrd server.
Send us logs from server, then we will see.
Pls note a short problem description in the text field of the upload form.
cd /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd # or where is your LPAR2RRD working dir
tar cvhf logs.tar logs etc tmp/*txt *.out # do not miss "h" option in tar
gzip -9 logs.tar
Send us logs.tar.gz via
Good afternoon Pavel
The file was uploaded. I appreciate your support in this regard. Thank you -
lpar2rrd:/home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd # rm /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd/data/8233-E8B*10B4BBP/*/Laboratorio\ i\> PTF--AS400--/JOB/*
rm: cannot remove ‘/home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd/data/8233-E8B*10B4BBP/*/Laboratorio iPTF--AS400--/JOB/*’: No such file or directory
I am looking the directory and i am not found it. The * in the directory is the ip of my HMC, and then i ran a ls and show me that:
Laboratorio i PTF--AS400--
Laboratorio i PTF.rrd
Laboratorio i PTF.rrm
Laboratorio i PTF.rsd
Laboratorio i PTF.rsm
lpar2rrd@lpar2rrd:~/lpar2rrd/data/8233-E8B*10B4BBP/> cd Laboratorio i PTF--AS400--
-bash: cd: Laboratorio: No existe el fichero o el directorio
This must work (above missed a space):
rm /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd/data/8233-E8B*10B4BBP/*/Laboratorio\ i\ PTF--AS400--/JOB/* -
Problem resolved. In the log of the Job SND_SYSSTS the last line is:
IF: C_SNDSTS - protocol 5.0 UTF8 conv
IF: C_SNDSTS - connection Established()
However, the root cause of this to that is?
Now we will perform the upgrade with the rest of the environments I apply this whole procedure too. -
There was changed data set which is stored in compare to beta version of the OS agent. Some data (WRKATCJOB,CPUTOP,IOTOP) must be deleted.
Basically this should have done upgrade script which has not done it for some unknown reason. -
Ok. I'll upgrade other lpar and you commented any eventuality. Thank you
Pavel good day
Install the update agent on another LPAR and got the following error:
AS400-- : S0400MACHINEParm1:::*FIXED:1:990476:508236::, only first error occur ence is reported ) /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd/bin/ :
Sat Jul 23 23:55:08 2016: : last rec : 1469333987 + 60/2 >= 1469334 014, ignoring it .../home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd/bin/ :
In addition in the joblog RTV_SYSSTS points:
Message. . . . : Elapsed time reset statistics.
Cause . . . . . : The time that has elapsed since the last reset
the starting time is too large to process. The initial time is
It has been restored to the current time and the process has continued. Time
elapsed has exceeded 100 hours, the system date or time
may have changed, the number of processors in the system has changed, the
configuration of the disk drive has changed or internal counters
They have had to restore. -
can you see any as400 data in the GUI for that lpar?
Had that worked before upgrade?
ls -l data/*/*/--AS400--
Yes, i can see the data in the GUI, and it wasnt working before update
The it is working now, right?
yes, but in the the joblog RTV_SYSSTS points:
Message. . . . : Elapsed time reset statistics.
Cause . . . . . : The time that has elapsed since the last reset
the starting time is too large to process. The initial time is
It has been restored to the current time and the process has continued. Time
elapsed has exceeded 100 hours, the system date or time
may have changed, the number of processors in the system has changed, the
configuration of the disk drive has changed or internal counters
They have had to restore.
This message doesn't appear in the rest of the lpar's -
you might ignore it, it should not affect anything.
We will modify the code to do not happen that in next version.
Thanks for pointing us to that.
Howdy, Stranger!
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