Upgrading on AIX

I installed 1.13 a long time ago.  I've tried repeatedly over the years to upgrade but haven't been able to.  I don't know if the gathering of data, etc., works, but the web interface does not.  I don't see any frames. The icon, which was also used in the older version, for indicating the source/frontend/backend is repeated many times across the page.  Am I missing some other obscure FOSS software/library which isn't indicated in either the documentation or the upgrade script?  My web server is apache. AIX


  • Hi,

    lpar2rrd version 1.13? It was released in 2007!
    I assume it has not been installed on AIX 7.1.

    Anyway as per your description it looks like a problem with Apache cgi-bin configuration or some permission issue (apache cannot read lpar2rrd home)
    But if there is working 1.13 then it excludes both.

    Check apache error_log (somewhere in /var) and lpar2rrd log:
    tail logs/error-cgi.log

    Is there anything relevant?

  • The log was empty.

    I decided to set up the system so I could install 2.52 fresh. It was successful. load.sh has been running for 2 hours now with no signs of it doing anything other than taking up memory and cpu - no log info.  Web interface looks like it will be normal when load is done...
  • Send us logs pls.
    Note a short problem description in the text field of the upload form.
    Screenshot from the GUI would be also great.

    cd /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd # or where is your STOR2RRD working dir
    tar cvhf logs.tar logs tmp/*txt
    gzip -9 logs.tar

    Send us logs.tar.gz via https://upload.stor2rrd.com
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