stor2rrd 2.50 free and hitachi
Hi expert
I configured in the storage-list.cfg the hitachi connection in this way
I also installed the patch to solve the problem with
"No such file or directory/home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd/bin/ : No such file or directory"
The work well but I stor2rrd doent' collect data
In the log file
error.log-VSPG-200-01 I found these error
COMMAND ERROR : EUserId for HORC[1] : stor2rrd (4001) Mon Apr 1 13:57:05 2019
CMDLINE : raidcom -logout -I1
13:57:05-6a7ff-00062769- [raidcom][exit(202)]
[EX_ENAUTH] Authentication failed with User
[Cause ]:Authentication for using the RAID has failed with User name or Password.
[Action]:Please confirm if User name or Password are correct, or confirm expiration date.
raidcom: [EX_ENAUTH] Authentication failed with User
Mon Apr 1 13:57:05 2019: command failed: raidcom -logout -I1 /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd/bin/ :
CMDLINE : raidcom -logout -I1
13:57:05-6a7ff-00062769- [raidcom][exit(202)]
[EX_ENAUTH] Authentication failed with User
[Cause ]:Authentication for using the RAID has failed with User name or Password.
[Action]:Please confirm if User name or Password are correct, or confirm expiration date.
raidcom: [EX_ENAUTH] Authentication failed with User
Mon Apr 1 13:57:05 2019: command failed: raidcom -logout -I1 /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd/bin/ :
The error seems due to bad user/password
I suspect that the test uses the user and password specified in the storage-list.cfg
while use the user/password specified in the stor2rrd.cfg where I got
# User for storage access
# Valid only for SVC/Storwize/FlashSystem, XIV, HUS, DS8000, 3PAR storages
# Rest of storages have users defined per storage in etc/storage-list.cfg
# Valid only for SVC/Storwize/FlashSystem, XIV, HUS, DS8000, 3PAR storages
# Rest of storages have users defined per storage in etc/storage-list.cfg
Am I in right ???
Thanks for the help
1. you are not right. Scripts and uses the user and password specified in the storage-list.cfg.
2. You will check user and password in etc/storage-list.cfg. Use encrypted password.
3. You will send us outputs from the commands
cd /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd
./bin/ VSPG-200-01
crontab -l | grep vspg
Thank you
here the answer=========================
TCP connection to "" on port "1099" is ok
TCP connection to "" on port "51099" is ok
TCP connection to "" on port "51100" is ok
WARNING : TCP connection to "" on port "51101" has failed! It might need to be open on the firewall.
Health status test
UDP connection to "" on port "161" is ok
snmpwalk -v 2c -c SGS-MGMT-01
SNMP version : 2c (default)
Port : 161 (default)
Timeout : 5 seconds
Community : SGS-MGMT-01
Storage name : VSP Gx00
Health status for VSPG-200-01 : ok
Loading ExportTool...
Export tool start [Version 83-05-29-FF/00]
command file = /opt/hds/hds_test/command.txt
[ 1] ip ; Specifies IP adress of SVP
[ 2] dkcsn 480074 ; Specifies Serial Number of SVP
[ 3] login User = [stor2], Passwd = [****************]
[MPC Software Version] 83-05-29-20/00
[ExportTool version] 83-05-29-FF/00
[ExportTool IF version] 83-00-00
Unable to get time range for monitoring
[ 4] show ; output storing period
Monitoring time range
From : 2019/03/31 15:57 - To : 2019/04/01 15:57 Interval : 1min.
[ 5] group Port ; Port usage
[ 6] range -0001:
range [2019/04/01 15:56:00]:[2019/04/01 15:57:00], count = 1
[ 7] outpath "/opt/hds/hds_test/performance" ; specifies the sub-directory in which files will be saved
[ 8] option nocompress
[ 9] apply
Start gathering port data
Target = 8, Total = 8
End gathering port data
Start gathering Initiator port data
Target = 8, Total = 8
End gathering Initiator port data
Export tool end
raidcom : User on Serial#(480074) was removed.
connection okcrontab -l | grep vspg
0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd/ > /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd/load_vspgperf.out
It looks good. Do you see data in the GUI? If no send us logs pls.
Note a short problem description in the text field of the upload form.
cd /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd # or where is your STOR2RRD working dir
tar cvhf logs.tar logs tmp/*txt
gzip -9 logs.tar
Send us logs.tar.gz via
You might even attach screenshots when it helps in understanding of the issue.
Thank you
Howdy, Stranger!
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