HUS VM setup error
I'm using stor2rrd with some storage, and all works fine.
But I have an error with HUS VM setup.
In the web interface, I see information only on "Configuration" and "Mapping" tab. On the other tabs, I see the error "No data has been collected (yet?) for the selected time period".
I'm using stor2rrd with some storage, and all works fine.
But I have an error with HUS VM setup.
In the web interface, I see information only on "Configuration" and "Mapping" tab. On the other tabs, I see the error "No data has been collected (yet?) for the selected time period".
When I use "./bin/" I get an error:
STORAGE: eka_hus-vm_1: VSPG
TCP connection to "" on port "1099" is ok
TCP connection to "" on port "51099" is ok
TCP connection to "" on port "51100" is ok
WARNING : TCP connection to "" on port "51101" has failed! It might need to be open on the firewall.
Export tool start [Version 73-03-59/00]
command file = /opt/hds/hds_test/command2.txt
[ 1] svpip ; Specifies IP adress of SVP
[ 2] login User = [lpar2rrd], Passwd = [****************]
Login failed [line = 2]
Execution stops.
Export tool end
2019/02/04 16:03:29 Export tool start [Version 73-03-59/00]
2019/02/04 16:03:29 md.command = /opt/hds/hds_test/command2.txt
2019/02/04 16:03:29 md.logpath = /opt/hds/73-03-58/log
2019/02/04 16:03:29 md.logfile = null
2019/02/04 16:03:29 md.rmitimeout = 20
2019/02/04 16:03:29 md.divideshort = null
2019/02/04 16:03:29 md.dividelong = null
2019/02/04 16:03:29 command file = /opt/hds/hds_test/command2.txt
2019/02/04 16:03:29 [ 1] svpip ; Specifies IP adress of SVP
2019/02/04 16:03:29 ipAddress =
2019/02/04 16:03:29 [ 2] login User = [lpar2rrd], Passwd = [****************]
2019/02/04 16:03:29 . HostPath = //
2019/02/04 16:03:29 . [login] lookup1:start
2019/02/04 16:03:29 . Find Exception = invalid authority: //
2019/02/04 16:05:29 . Retry!!!
2019/02/04 16:05:29 . HostPath = //
2019/02/04 16:05:29 . [login] lookup1:start
2019/02/04 16:05:29 . Find Exception = invalid authority: //
2019/02/04 16:07:29 . Retry!!!
2019/02/04 16:07:29 . HostPath = //
2019/02/04 16:07:29 . [login] lookup1:start
2019/02/04 16:07:29 . Find Exception = invalid authority: //
2019/02/04 16:09:29 . Retry!!!
2019/02/04 16:09:29 . HostPath = //
2019/02/04 16:09:29 . [login] lookup1:start
2019/02/04 16:09:29 . Find Exception = invalid authority: //
2019/02/04 16:09:29 . : invalid authority: //
2019/02/04 16:09:29 Login failed [line = 2]
2019/02/04 16:09:29 Execution stops.
2019/02/04 16:09:29 Export tool end
Export tool start [Version 73-03-59/00]
command file = /opt/hds/hds_test/command.txt
Unsupported command : "ip" [line = 1]
Execution stops.
Export tool end
2019/02/04 16:09:30 Export tool start [Version 73-03-59/00]
2019/02/04 16:09:30 md.command = /opt/hds/hds_test/command.txt
2019/02/04 16:09:30 md.logpath = /opt/hds/73-03-58/log
2019/02/04 16:09:30 md.logfile = null
2019/02/04 16:09:30 md.rmitimeout = 20
2019/02/04 16:09:30 md.divideshort = null
2019/02/04 16:09:30 md.dividelong = null
2019/02/04 16:09:30 command file = /opt/hds/hds_test/command.txt
2019/02/04 16:09:30 Unsupported command : "ip" [line = 1]
2019/02/04 16:09:30 Execution stops.
2019/02/04 16:09:30 Export tool end
VSPG Error: export tool finished mistake
set up or check HDS_EXPORT_TOOL_JAVAPATH in stor2rrd.cfg
connection failed!!
STORAGE: eka_hus-vm_1: VSPG
TCP connection to "" on port "1099" is ok
TCP connection to "" on port "51099" is ok
TCP connection to "" on port "51100" is ok
WARNING : TCP connection to "" on port "51101" has failed! It might need to be open on the firewall.
Export tool start [Version 73-03-59/00]
command file = /opt/hds/hds_test/command2.txt
[ 1] svpip ; Specifies IP adress of SVP
[ 2] login User = [lpar2rrd], Passwd = [****************]
Login failed [line = 2]
Execution stops.
Export tool end
2019/02/04 16:03:29 Export tool start [Version 73-03-59/00]
2019/02/04 16:03:29 md.command = /opt/hds/hds_test/command2.txt
2019/02/04 16:03:29 md.logpath = /opt/hds/73-03-58/log
2019/02/04 16:03:29 md.logfile = null
2019/02/04 16:03:29 md.rmitimeout = 20
2019/02/04 16:03:29 md.divideshort = null
2019/02/04 16:03:29 md.dividelong = null
2019/02/04 16:03:29 command file = /opt/hds/hds_test/command2.txt
2019/02/04 16:03:29 [ 1] svpip ; Specifies IP adress of SVP
2019/02/04 16:03:29 ipAddress =
2019/02/04 16:03:29 [ 2] login User = [lpar2rrd], Passwd = [****************]
2019/02/04 16:03:29 . HostPath = //
2019/02/04 16:03:29 . [login] lookup1:start
2019/02/04 16:03:29 . Find Exception = invalid authority: //
2019/02/04 16:05:29 . Retry!!!
2019/02/04 16:05:29 . HostPath = //
2019/02/04 16:05:29 . [login] lookup1:start
2019/02/04 16:05:29 . Find Exception = invalid authority: //
2019/02/04 16:07:29 . Retry!!!
2019/02/04 16:07:29 . HostPath = //
2019/02/04 16:07:29 . [login] lookup1:start
2019/02/04 16:07:29 . Find Exception = invalid authority: //
2019/02/04 16:09:29 . Retry!!!
2019/02/04 16:09:29 . HostPath = //
2019/02/04 16:09:29 . [login] lookup1:start
2019/02/04 16:09:29 . Find Exception = invalid authority: //
2019/02/04 16:09:29 . : invalid authority: //
2019/02/04 16:09:29 Login failed [line = 2]
2019/02/04 16:09:29 Execution stops.
2019/02/04 16:09:29 Export tool end
Export tool start [Version 73-03-59/00]
command file = /opt/hds/hds_test/command.txt
Unsupported command : "ip" [line = 1]
Execution stops.
Export tool end
2019/02/04 16:09:30 Export tool start [Version 73-03-59/00]
2019/02/04 16:09:30 md.command = /opt/hds/hds_test/command.txt
2019/02/04 16:09:30 md.logpath = /opt/hds/73-03-58/log
2019/02/04 16:09:30 md.logfile = null
2019/02/04 16:09:30 md.rmitimeout = 20
2019/02/04 16:09:30 md.divideshort = null
2019/02/04 16:09:30 md.dividelong = null
2019/02/04 16:09:30 command file = /opt/hds/hds_test/command.txt
2019/02/04 16:09:30 Unsupported command : "ip" [line = 1]
2019/02/04 16:09:30 Execution stops.
2019/02/04 16:09:30 Export tool end
VSPG Error: export tool finished mistake
set up or check HDS_EXPORT_TOOL_JAVAPATH in stor2rrd.cfg
connection failed!!
HiExport tool does not work.Are you sure that export tool version 73-... match current storage firmware level?use this for further troubleshootingLet us known if you go nowhere ...
Hello Pavel,I had a problem with HUS VM hostname.In the log above you see the error "2019/02/04 16:03:29 . Find Exception = invalid authority: //".Export tool uses RMI and the server hostname for communication with HUS VM. The Internet standards for protocols mandate that hostname labels may contain only the ASCII letters ‘a’ through ‘z’ (in a case-insensitive manner), the digits ‘0’ through ‘9’, and the hyphen(‘-‘).I changed the underscore (_) to hyphen(‘-‘) in hostname and issue are resolved.
2019/02/05 13:51:43 Export tool start [Version 73-03-59/00]2019/02/05 13:51:43 md.command = /opt/hds/hds_test/command2.txt2019/02/05 13:51:43 md.logpath = /opt/hds/73-03-58/log2019/02/05 13:51:43 md.logfile = null2019/02/05 13:51:43 md.rmitimeout = 202019/02/05 13:51:43 md.divideshort = null2019/02/05 13:51:43 md.dividelong = null2019/02/05 13:51:43 command file = /opt/hds/hds_test/command2.txt2019/02/05 13:51:43 [ 1] svpip ; Specifies IP adress of SVP2019/02/05 13:51:43 ipAddress = 13:51:43 [ 2] login User = [lpar2rrd], Passwd = [****************]2019/02/05 13:51:43 . HostPath = //eka-hus-vm-1/RMIControl2019/02/05 13:51:43 . [login] lookup1:start2019/02/05 13:51:45 . lookup1 Normal2019/02/05 13:51:45 . [login] checkLicenseEx:start2019/02/05 13:51:54 . checkLicenseEx OK!!2019/02/05 13:51:54 . [login] lookup2:start2019/02/05 13:51:55 . lookup2 Normal2019/02/05 13:51:55 . [login] setUserTimeoutValue:start2019/02/05 13:51:55 . setUserTimeoutValue Normal2019/02/05 13:51:55 [SVP Version] 73-03-51/002019/02/05 13:51:55 [ExportTool version] 73-03-59/002019/02/05 13:51:55 . [login] useMonitor:start2019/02/05 13:51:55 . useMonitor Normal2019/02/05 13:51:55 . getSubsystemInfo start2019/02/05 13:51:55 . getSubsystemInfo end2019/02/05 13:51:55 . getProductName start2019/02/05 13:51:57 . getProductName end2019/02/05 13:51:57 . getMonitorInfo start [sanproject.serverux.arg.monitor.ArgMonitoringInfo@6e06451e]2019/02/05 13:51:57 . getMonitorInfo end2019/02/05 13:51:57 [ 3] show ; output storing period2019/02/05 13:51:57 Monitoring time range2019/02/05 13:51:57 Short Range From : 2019/02/04 14:55 - To : 2019/02/05 14:55 Interval : 1min.2019/02/05 13:51:57 Long Range From : 2018/11/05 00:00 - To : 2019/02/05 14:30 Interval : 15min.2019/02/05 13:51:57 [ 4] group Port ; Port usage2019/02/05 13:51:57 [ 5] shortrange -0001:2019/02/05 13:51:57 shortrange [2019/02/05 14:54:00]:[2019/02/05 14:55:00], count = 12019/02/05 13:51:57 [ 6] outpath "/opt/hds/hds_test/performance" ; specifies the sub-directory in which files will be saved2019/02/05 13:51:57 [ 7] option nocompress2019/02/05 13:51:57 [ 8] apply2019/02/05 13:51:57 Start gathering port data2019/02/05 13:51:59 Target = 8, Total = 82019/02/05 13:51:59 . getMonitorInfo start [sanproject.serverux.arg.monitor.ArgPortAbility@370736d9]2019/02/05 13:51:59 . getDivideInfo start2019/02/05 13:51:59 . ShortRange divideTime = 1802019/02/05 13:51:59 . [Tue Feb 05 13:54:00 YEKT 2019 -> Tue Feb 05 13:55:00 YEKT 2019]2019/02/05 13:51:59 . getDivideInfo end2019/02/05 13:51:59 . getMonitorInfo end2019/02/05 13:51:59 End gathering port data2019/02/05 13:51:59 Start gathering Initiator port data2019/02/05 13:51:59 Target = 0, Total = 02019/02/05 13:51:59 End gathering Initiator port data2019/02/05 13:51:59 logout2019/02/05 13:52:01 Export tool end -
thanks for providing resolution, we will note it on the above web page!
Howdy, Stranger!
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