No data is collected from HUS150
I just configured a HUS in stor2rrd, but it does not seem to work. Error log is filled with this:
-path: DMEC002103: The directory does not exist.
Cannot read /opt/serviced/volumes/stor2rrd/data/starshus02/IOSTATS/04/pfm00000.txt: No such file or directory/opt/serviced/volumes/stor2rrd/bin/
-path: DMEC002103: The directory does not exist.
Cannot read /opt/serviced/volumes/stor2rrd/data/starshus02/IOSTATS/14/pfm00000.txt: No such file or directory/opt/serviced/volumes/stor2rrd/bin/
-path: DMEC002103: The directory does not exist.
Cannot read /opt/serviced/volumes/stor2rrd/data/starshus02/IOSTATS/24/pfm00000.txt: No such file or directory/opt/serviced/volumes/stor2rrd/bin/
-path: DMEC002103: The directory does not exist.
Cannot read /opt/serviced/volumes/stor2rrd/data/starshus02/IOSTATS/34/pfm00000.txt: No such file or directory/opt/serviced/volumes/stor2rrd/bin/
-path: DMEC002103: The directory does not exist.
Cannot read /opt/serviced/volumes/stor2rrd/data/starshus02/IOSTATS/04/pfm00000.txt: No such file or directory/opt/serviced/volumes/stor2rrd/bin/
-path: DMEC002103: The directory does not exist.
Cannot read /opt/serviced/volumes/stor2rrd/data/starshus02/IOSTATS/14/pfm00000.txt: No such file or directory/opt/serviced/volumes/stor2rrd/bin/
-path: DMEC002103: The directory does not exist.
Cannot read /opt/serviced/volumes/stor2rrd/data/starshus02/IOSTATS/24/pfm00000.txt: No such file or directory/opt/serviced/volumes/stor2rrd/bin/
-path: DMEC002103: The directory does not exist.
Cannot read /opt/serviced/volumes/stor2rrd/data/starshus02/IOSTATS/34/pfm00000.txt: No such file or directory/opt/serviced/volumes/stor2rrd/bin/
-path: DMEC002103: The directory does not exist.
What could be the problem? Connection test shows no error.
you have two options
1) you will change crontab line to
0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd/ > /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd/load_husperf.out 2>&1
2) or you try this a fix
Gunzip it and copy to /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd/bin (755, stor2rrd owner)
-rwxr-xr-x 1 stor2rrd stor2rrd 113427 6. pro 14.39
If your web browser gunzips it automatically then just rename it: mv
after copy script to bin directory (or apply point 1) you wait about 20 minutes then
cd /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd # or where is your STOR2RRD working dir
refresh GUI
you should see data
Let us know
Thank you
Hello,I have tried option 1), and it is working now. Thank you!Just a question reagading option 2). If I use the new file, can I set run times differently as 0,5,10 etc?Regards,Zoltan
yes you can (just be careful that the interval was 5 minutes for example 4,9,14 etc). Try it and let us know.
Thank you
Howdy, Stranger!
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