LWP::Protocol:https not found RHEL 6

edited November 2018 in STOR2RRD
I have been working to get a new install of STOR2RRD working on our RHEL 6.10 server. The perl_modules_check.pl and other checks report "Perl module has not been found: LWP::Protocol::https"

I have verified that we do have LWP
$PERL -MLWP -e 'print "LWP Version: $LWP::VERSION\n"'
LWP Version: 5.833
yum install perl-libwww-perl
Loaded plugins: product-id, search-disabled-repos, security, subscription-manager
Setting up Install Process
Package perl-libwww-perl-5.833-5.el6.noarch already installed and latest version

And I have checked to ensure the https.pm is present:
locate https.pm

This is our first attempt at using STOR2RRD, but this appears to be a roadblock for us. There are plans to upgrade the host server to RHEL 7 at some point, but we would like to get moving with out POC of the product now.


  • Hi,

    what storage types going to attach/monitor?
    Are you trying to install it as a prerequisite or you have a problem connecting some storage?
  • I am starting with our EMC XtremIO arrays and the connectivity test calls this out as an error. We have a few different storage arrays that will need it (Isilon, VMAX, XtremIO)
  • Older Isilons might not require it.
    Recent VMAX and XtremIO most probably need Perl LWP 6.x
    It is about support of TLS 1.2 in communication with the storage. New storages do not allow older protocols.

    What about to install 6.x perl-libwww-perl from some newer RHEL repository (RHEL7)
    What about CPAN?
    cpan -f upgrade LWP::Protocol:https

  • Ok, thank you. I think we will look into starting fresh on RHEL 7 or using the OVA
  • Our virtual appliance is based on CentOS 7, just noting it.
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