netapp 7-mode filer
I have had my unix machine added to the root trusted host list however whenever I mount the file system it tells me the dir/file does not exist if I cd down to sshd and try and create the stor2rrd fold it tells me I cannot write to the read-only file system. I changed the mount to mount -o rw array:/ mnt still no good any ideas?
is that exported properly on the storage? proper IP?Like in this manual example:7mode> exportfs
/vol/vol0 -sec=sys,rw,root=,nosuid
here is what I see in the root list mine is the first Ip.
/vol/vol0 -sec=sys,ro,rw=,root= 19:,nosuid -
have your tried to put IP into root list?
it was in the root list needs to be in rw also
it looks to be working but arrays are getting this msg now:
SSH client (SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.4) from sent unsupported channel request (10, env).
any ideas?
found it fixed it
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