Capacity of Tiering Pools
CLI> show flexible-tier-pools -ftrp-number 0...
0 tier_sp_NL1 Nearline RAID6 Available 28.49 TB 0.00 MB -1 tier_sp_SAS1 Online RAID6 Available 8.54 TB 84.00 MB -2 tier_sp_SSD1 SSD RAID1 Available 3.49 TB 1.97 GB -
But in Stor2RRD i see only "tier_sp_NL1_0" -
Oh, Stor2RRD version 2.31
Now update to 2.40 and check capacity. Wait some minutes... -
I update Stor2RRD to v2.40
Have DX200S4 firmware V10L82-0000 2018-07-17
This firmvare not consist command "show flexible-tier-mode"CLI> show flexible-tier-mode^Error: Bad commandCapacity display Wrong, as v2.31 (describe up)
Planing update DX200S4 for V10L83-0000 (03.09.2018)
P.S. command "show flexible-tier-mode" not enabled for user stor2rrd, wich work by Stor2RRD. For user root is enabled.
Yes you are right. Try these fixes:
Gunzip it and copy to /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd/bin (755, stor2rrd owner)
-rwxr-xr-x 1 stor2rrd stor2rrd 99144 2. říj 12.45
If your web browser gunzips it automatically then just rename it: mv
Gunzip it and copy to /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd/bin (755, stor2rrd owner)
-rwxr-xr-x 1 stor2rrd stor2rrd 88824 2. říj 12.45
If your web browser gunzips it automatically then just rename it: mv
After copy wait about 10 minutes then
cd /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd # or where is your STOR2RRD working dir
rm data/<STORAGE_NAME>/IOSTATS/configuration/config-*.touch
you will wait about 20 minutes then
rm tmp/2*
refresh GUI
You should see correct capacity of Tiering Pools.
Let us know.
Thank you.
I applay patch, but need time. Because some info changed, but some no. I write later.
Yes, patch is work right. Thank you.
P.S. in section Configuration, pool is wrong - tier_sp_NL1_0 By click, redirect to right pool - POOL/Items/tier_p1
Config in text:Volume Level Configuration ------------------------------------------ volume_id,name,serial,,,,pool_id,pool_name,capacity (MB),Used(MB),Free(MB),,,,,,,,,,interface_type,raid_group_id,raid_group_name,health_status ,$DEDUP_3_0,,,,,3,tpp_dedup1,5641339,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Available 600000E00D29000000293D4200040000,kafka_bkp_main,,,,,3,tpp_dedup1,1048576,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Available 600000E00D29000000293D4200050000,kafka_data_main,,,,,0,tier_p1,1048576,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Available RG Level Configuration ------------------------------------------ name,id,health_status,,,capacity (GB),,free_capacity (GB),,used_capacity (GB),,,,,,,RAID Level,Assigned CM,pool_id,pool_name tpp_dedup2_SAS,4,Available,,,6557.99,,0,,6557.99,,,,,,,RAID6,CM#0,4,tpp_dedup2 tier_sp_SAS1_0,1,Available,,,8744.00,,0,,8744.00,,,,,,,RAID6,CM#1,, tpp_dedup1_NL,3,Available,,,29173.00,,0,,29173.00,,,,,,,RAID6,CM#1,3,tpp_dedup1 tier_sp_NL1_0,0,Available,,,29173.00,,0,,29173.00,,,,,,,RAID6,CM#0,, tier_sp_SSD1_0,2,Available,,,1787.24,,0,,1787.24,,,,,,,RAID1,CM#0,, tier_sp_SSD1_1,5,Available,,,1787.24,,0,,1787.24,,,,,,,RAID1,CM#1,,
Pool Level Configuration ------------------------------------------ name,id,health_status,used_status,,capacity (GB),,free_capacity (GB),,used_capacity (GB),,,,,,,RAID Level,Assigned CM tpp_dedup2,4,Available,Normal,,6553.6,,6553.40,,0.205,,,,,,,RAID6, tier_p1,0,Available,Normal,,41492.48,,41460.9,,31.58,,,,,,,, tpp_dedup1,3,Available,Normal,,29173.76,,29173.49,,0.267,,,,,,,RAID6, But in Configuration (as Table) (and Detailed too): tier_sp_NL1_0 kafka_data_main
Hello Alex,
Ok. You send us logs and IOSTATS files for affected storage.
cd /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd # or where is your STOR2RRD working dir
tar cvhf logs.tar logs etc tmp/*txt data/<STORAGE_NAME>/IOSTATS/*
gzip -9 logs.tar
Send us logs.tar.gz via
Thank you.
Good news, after night it is all OK.
I upload logs file.
What i do yesterday:
1. upgrade Stor2RRD to version v.2.40
2. check problems with Fujitsu DX200S4 capacity
3. apply you patch for FTP
4. check again problems with Fujitsu DX200S4 capacity
5. delete data/<STORAGE NAME>
6. wait 20 minutes, run ./, in brauser Ctrl+F5 - it is normalise info about capacity, but in configuration display wrong tier subpool.
7. at the morning i see ALL OK!
Thank you.
Howdy, Stranger!
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