new version 2.40 has been released

Web annoucment:

v2.40 (20.9.2018)
Major enhancements are support for more storage systems and new LAN monitoring feature.

New storage support

    HPE StoreVirtual
    HPE LeftHand
    Pure Storage FlashBlade
    IBM FlashSystem 900/840

LAN monitoring

    Port data in/out, packets, errors
    Supports Port-Channel, VLAN, FEX, VSS
    Overall configuration data

For details refer to release notes:


  • Hello Pavel,
    It's great to see new version of stor2rrd. I have a question about the Health Status, few storages do not have checking the status.
    Do you have any information about adding this storages to Health Status?

    For Example: DS8000?

  • Hi Dariusz,

    IBM DS8k, IBM XIV and HDS VSP-G health status implementation is planned for this year.
    Just EMC VMX will be then left. Problem is that VMAX  does not provide its healt status through standard REST API (just even log is there, we present it since v2.30). Generaly we are not aware of any method how to get it from VMAX.

  • Hi Pavel,
    So in the next release it's probably will be added IBM DS8k, IBM XIV and HDS VSP-G to health status? :)
  • Hi,

    I did not write next release on purpose :)
    it is going to be implemented, it actually has high priority for us.
    I could let you know as soon as we have ready if you want to test it.
  • edited September 2018
    Sure i can test it :)
    I've got ds8k,xiv and hds in my environment :smiley:

  • Unfortunalty the GAD Feature dosent work. I see only 4 hosts on a GAD System with ~50 Hostgroups. These 4 are only the NON-GAD Hosts.
    I cant provide logs :(. The customer wont see the data "somewheer"
  • do you see GAD pool in pool listing?
  • Yes. But i see 2 Pools. An unknown "GAD_unknown" Pool and a correct "NAME_XY" Pool.
    The "unknow" theems like the correct, because there are datas inside. The Pool with the correct name (same as on the Storage) is empty. 
    I have to blank the names (yes, that beginnber stlye ;) but trust me, thats the same system:

    Thtas a updates version of stor2rrd, no installtion from scratch. Latest version (not the beta from the other thread)

  • edited October 2018
    And, one of some other GAD problems, all GAD Volumes are unnamed (they are named on our system). The non GAD Luns are get tha names. Datas are inside the unnamed Ldevs, but no names. 

  • Hello,

    Please send us logs and IOSTATS files for affected storage.

    cd /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd # or where is your STOR2RRD working dir
    tar cvhf logs.tar logs etc tmp/*txt data/<STORAGE_NAME>/IOSTATS/*
    gzip -9 logs.tar

    Send us logs.tar.gz via
    You might even attach screenshots when it helps in understanding of the issue.

    Thank you.
  • edited October 2018
    To get GAD volume names is necesary to have full admin rights for stor2rrd user.
    This is not quite nice as all other tasks we can do under read-only user rights ...

This discussion has been closed.