No perf data collected NetApp 8.3.2
I've recently confured a CDOT with version 8.3.2 and stor2rrd v 2.20 and it seems to be collecting capacity and event data fine. but when I try to see performance data (IO response time, etc...) tje graphs seems to be empty or directly shows (No data has been collected (yet?) for selected time period), the storage it has been confugred for one day more or less, I've checked the error.log and it doesn't seems to be any error entries.
Any ideas on what can be happening?
Best regards and thanks in advanced.
I've recently confured a CDOT with version 8.3.2 and stor2rrd v 2.20 and it seems to be collecting capacity and event data fine. but when I try to see performance data (IO response time, etc...) tje graphs seems to be empty or directly shows (No data has been collected (yet?) for selected time period), the storage it has been confugred for one day more or less, I've checked the error.log and it doesn't seems to be any error entries.
Any ideas on what can be happening?
Best regards and thanks in advanced.
Send us logs pls. Note a short problem description in the text field of the upload form. cd /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd # or where is your STOR2RRD working dir tar cvhf logs.tar logs etc tmp/*txt gzip -9 logs.tar Send us logs.tar.gz via
Hi Pavel,
I've already upluaded them.
Best regards
I'm having the same issue, was there a solution?
it was user cased problem, he has installed or run stor2rrd (./ under root abnd screwed file rights.
send us logs as per above
I have uploaded the logs. To test I added another system that is running 8.2.1 and aren't having any issues. I've removed the system in question and recreated everything but it's still having the same issue. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
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