Alerting failed: some problem encountered, continuing with next rule


I have a problem with configuration of the alerts.
When I try to test my configuration I see WARNING and no email are sent.
My Postfix is running, and I able to pass email tests with mailx

echo "test message"| mailx -s test
Here is the output of Test:
Alerting test results
Alrt cfg read : /home/lpar2rrd/stor2rrd/etc/web_config/alerting.cfg
Data identified: VOLUME:A-3PAR:A-MAIL1-FC:io:1000:5:15::testing
Config alert : EMAIL:alarm_info:alarm-info@xxxxxxxx
Config alert : EMAIL:testing:aivashina@xxxxxxxx
Config alert : VOLUME:A-3PAR:A-MAIL1-FC:io:1000:5:15::testing
Working for : VOLUME: A-3PAR:A-MAIL1-FC:io : VOLUME:A-3PAR:A-MAIL1-FC:io:1000:5:15::testing
Volume file : VOLUME: A-3PAR:A-MAIL1-FC:io : /home/lpar2rrd/stor2rrd/data/A-3PAR/VOLUME/43-P0.rrd
WARNING : VOLUME: A-3PAR:A-MAIL1-FC:io_rate : no data at: 13:23:00 22/03/2018 - 300 seconds /home/lpar2rrd/stor2rrd/bin/ :
Util : VOLUME: A-3PAR:A-MAIL1-FC:io : some problem encountered, continuing with next rule
Finished : Thu Mar 22 13:23:12 2018, run time: 0 secs Alerting starts: storage=A-3PAR, st_type=3PAR, time=13:23:00 22/03/2018, debug=22
I'm using 1.35-1 (not on 2, because it erase history).


  • I figured why this was happening. My collection interval (15 mins) is more than peak interval (5 mins). When set peak time to or more than 15 mins, I've started receiving alerts.
  • yes, however this causes a problem only for testing of alerting.
    Normally alerting is issued after each data colletion import, but 15 minutes change make sense in your env.
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