Stor2rrd not pulling any data from Hitachi storage boxes (HUS110, AMS2100)

Hello Stor2rrd team,

First of all thank you so much for developing such a wonderful tool monitoring and analyzing storage performance reports.  I have a heterogeneous storage infrastructure with storages from Hitachi HP EMC & IBM, I have configured stor2rrd for all these boxes and it is working fine for all boxes other than Hitachi, I have verified the connection to storage using the script and it is showing OK. a Am facing this on Hitachi AMS2100 and HUS110 storage array. can you please help me to find out the root cause.


  • Hi,

    older AMS might not be supported, however HUS should work.
    Send us logs.

    Note a short problem description in the text field of the upload form.
    cd /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd # or where is your STOR2RRD working dir
    ps -ef |egrep "2rrd" > tmp/ps_log.txt
    tar cvhf logs.tar logs etc tmp/*txt
    gzip -9 logs.tar
    Send us logs.tar.gz via

  • Logs has been uploaded
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