XIV thin provisioning and compression pools
what is wrkong exactly? We present there numbers which XIV provides us.
Check menu --> storage --> configuration --> text
There should be in the header some capacity data I hope, actually cannot confirm as no access to such box
Total Soft Capacity : 462.354 TiB Total Soft Free Capacity: 0.000 TiB Pool Level Configuration ------------------------ name,id,status,mdisk_count,vdisk_count,capacity,extent_size,free_capacity,virtual_capacity,used_capacity,real_capacity,overallocation,warning,easy_tier,easy_tier_status,compression_active,compression_virtual_capacity,compression_compressed_capacity,compression_uncompressed_capacity XIV202_SVC,36c114800002,,,,247206.714,,331265.010, XIV202_LOCAL,81114800001,,,,55883.942,,55547.389,
I'm running latest version of stor2rrd and XIV version 11.6.1a
example output by the "pool_list -x" command to see what's possible to retrieve
<pool id="36c114800002">
<creator value="xxxxxx"/>
<creator_category value="storageadmin"/>
<id value="36c114800002"/>
<name value="XIV202_SVC"/>
<domain_uid value="-1"/>
<domain value=""/>
<soft_size value="438361"/>
<soft_size_MiB value="418053814"/>
<hard_size value="265436"/>
<hard_size_MiB value="253139675"/>
<snapshot_size value="0"/>
<snapshot_size_MiB value="0"/>
<used_by_volumes value="82668"/>
<used_by_volumes_MiB value="78838444"/>
<used_by_snapshots value="0"/>
<used_by_snapshots_MiB value="0"/>
<total_volume_size value="422495"/>
<total_volume_size_MiB value="402922872"/>
<empty_space_soft value="15865"/>
<empty_space_soft_MiB value="15130942"/>
<empty_space_hard value="182768"/>
<empty_space_hard_MiB value="174301231"/>
<locked value="no"/>
<lock_behavior value="read_only"/>
<create_last_consistent_snapshot value="yes"/>
<protected_snapshot_priority value="0"/>
<compress value="yes"/>
<managed value="no"/>
<perf_class value=""/>
<use_pool_thresholds value="no"/>
<hysteresis value="3"/>
<volume_usage_thresholds id="0" value="none"/>
<volume_usage_thresholds id="1" value="80"/>
<volume_usage_thresholds id="2" value="90"/>
<volume_usage_thresholds id="3" value="95"/>
<volume_usage_thresholds id="4" value="none"/>
<snapshot_usage_thresholds id="0" value="none"/>
<snapshot_usage_thresholds id="1" value="80"/>
<snapshot_usage_thresholds id="2" value="90"/>
<snapshot_usage_thresholds id="3" value="95"/>
<snapshot_usage_thresholds id="4" value="none"/>
<gp_uid value="-1"/>
<gp_name value=""/>
we use totals now (tehere is some cmd which prints it up).
We have used per pool capacity data but this was wrong as there might be some unconfigured raw space which was not included then.
No idea how to do it better.
Unconfigured raw space is something that can occur on every storagebox, so to my opinion this should not be any particular issue to XIV. I collect additional information from storage pools through the wbem cli.
structure to interrogate -> IBMTSDS_VirtualPool
problem is that sum of free space in pools does not containg unconfigured raw space.
Therefore we use just some total cmd which prints us totals and present it.
Howdy, Stranger!
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