Er: C_SNDSTS - connect() errno = 3447 on IBM i Agent V7R1
errno = 3447 Error while connecting for error socket
Looks like your agent canot communicate with LPAR2RRD server.
have you correctly set lpar2rrd server hostname/IP?
As per docu:
Verifying connection to host system LPAR2RRD-SERVER.SERVER.COM at address
Connection verification statistics: 5 of 5 successful (100 %).
Using IP address instead of hostanme example:
is 8162 port opened? agent --> lpar2rrd server:8162
4. is lpar2rrd server running?
on lpar2rrd server: ps -ef| grep lpar2rrd-daemon
5. anything related in lpar2rrd daemon log?
on lpar2rrd server:
tail logs/error.log-daemon
Hi Pavel
PING RMTSYS('LPAR2RRD-SERVER.SERVER.COM')No ha habido respuesta del sistema principal en el plazo de 1 segundospara la 1ª verificación de la conexión.No ha habido respuesta del sistema principal en el plazo de 1 segundospara la 2ª verificación de la conexión.No ha habido respuesta del sistema principal en el plazo de 1 segundospara la 3ª verificación de la conexión.No ha habido respuesta del sistema principal en el plazo de 1 segundospara la 4ª verificación de la conexión.No ha habido respuesta del sistema principal en el plazo de 1 segundospara la 5ª verificación de la conexión.Estadísticas de verificación de conexión: 0 satisfactorias de 5 intentos(0 %).
We have already do this >> CHGCMDDFT CMD(LPAR2RRD/RTV_SYSSTS) NEWDFT('IPADR('''')')
On serverlpar2rrd:/home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd # ps -ef| grep lpar2rrd-daemonroot 18318 30587 0 10:07 pts/1 00:00:00 grep --color=auto lpar2rrd-daemonlpar2rrd 32234 1 0 Jan12 ? 01:13:15 /usr/bin/perl w/home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd/bin/lpar2rrd-daemon.pllpar2rrd:/home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd # tail logs/error.log-daemonUse of uninitialized value $mins in multiplication (*) at /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd/bin/ line 4217.Use of uninitialized value $secs in addition (+) at /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd/bin/ line 4217.Use of uninitialized value $mins in multiplication (*) at /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd/bin/ line 4217.Use of uninitialized value $secs in addition (+) at /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd/bin/ line 4217.Use of uninitialized value $mins in multiplication (*) at /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd/bin/ line 4217.Use of uninitialized value $secs in addition (+) at /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd/bin/ line 4217.Use of uninitialized value $mins in multiplication (*) at /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd/bin/ line 4217.Use of uninitialized value $secs in addition (+) at /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd/bin/ line 4217.Use of uninitialized value $mins in multiplication (*) at /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd/bin/ line 4217.Use of uninitialized value $secs in addition (+) at /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd/bin/ line 4217.We don't have communication the agent with server. -
Pavel, the error persists
Er: C_SNDSTS - connect() errno = 3447
Use of uninitialized value $secs in addition (+) at /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd/bin/ line 4217
We don't have communication the agent with server.
Ping to server no response.
there is no TCP connection estabilished, daemon errors are not related.
is this ocmmunication allow3ed through your network?
agent --> lpar2rrd server:8162 (TCP)
ping could also work if it is not explicitly disabled what is not comon in internals networks.
What about these tests, change target for you internal lpar2rrd server
Test network connectivity
For example if hostname of LPAR2RRD server is LPAR2RRD-SERVER.SERVER.COM.- ping:
PING RMTSYS('LPAR2RRD-SERVER.SERVER.COM') Verifying connection to host system LPAR2RRD-SERVER.SERVER.COM at address Connection verification statistics: 5 of 5 successful (100 %).
TELNET RMTSYS('LPAR2RRD-SERVER.SERVER.COM') PORT(8162) RMTUSER(TESTSTRING) INZWAIT(15) Connecting to remote host using port 8162
Either LPAR2RRD server daemon is not running or TCP connection is filtered on the network by a firewall.
If connection hanging (it times out in 10 mins) then it is ok, you can interrupt it by:
SysRq ➡ Enter ➡ 2. End previous request
- ping:
I did the test with following results:
No successfully
No suceesfully.
I did ping from command prompt console (My PC) and was suceesfully.
Where i check whats the problem?
you are really trying to telnet to
No surprise ... this is only example, you have to place your name, same as for ping example.
unles your company is really
This is the support
3 >> PING RMTSYS ('') Verifying the connection to the host There has been no response from the main system within 1 second for the 1st verification of the connection. There has been no response from the main system within 1 second for the 2nd verification of the connection. There has been no response from the main system within 1 second for the 3rd verification of the connection. There has been no response from the main system within 1 second for the 4th verification of the connection. There has been no response from the main system within 1 second for the 5th verification of the connection. Connection verification statistics: 0 satisfactory of 5 attempts (0%).
I´m sure this is the ip server. It worked suceesfully. in other
occasions we have to change the RTV_STS program.
Is neccesary to update the version?
what about telnet test?
No connection by telnet
that is the reaspon why it does not work.
you must connect lpar2rrd_server:8162 port.
Ask your network/security colleagues how to open it on the network level to reach it.
Howdy, Stranger!
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