BNA issue
i've recently installed latest version and integrated it with SAN BNA v14,2.0
The connection is ok, i get the switches from BNA and they are displayed in the stor2rrd gui but there are no data on port statistics.
the rrd port file has
1508682900: -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan
1508683200: -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan
1508683500: -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan
1508683800: -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan
1508684100: -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan
1508684400: -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan -nan
edgesw48-11-BNA]$ perl /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd/bin/ 443
Connection to "" on port "443" is ok
API connection is ok
Connection to "" on port "443" is ok
API connection:
LOGIN : ok
API request : ok
Switches found : 110
Any ideas?
can you send us logs pls?
Note a short problem description in the text field of the upload /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd # or where is your STOR2RRD working dirps -ef |egrep "2rrd" > tmp/ps_log.txttar cvhf logs.tar logs etc tmp/*txtgzip -9 logs.tarSend us logs.tar.gz via
Hello, 10x, logs have been uploaded
the problem is that there is quite a lot of switches 100+. We read their perf data sequentially from BNA.
One run takes 25minutes what is too much.
We are working on some paralelization what shoudl resolve issue. We will have a patch soon.
I am evaluating stor2rrd atm and want to attach the used Brocade switches via BNA.
The problem is that we have ~85 switches in use, is there already a fix for this problem? -
Hi,sure, there is a fix for that in the latest versions 2.20, 2.30.It worked finally for 100+ switches.Let us know if any problem.
Thanks for the fast answer, as I am on 2.10 right now I am trying an upgrade.
Actually 2.10 is the appliance version which I am on, stor2rrd is 2.20.
I'd rather not upgrade right now since I am still testing, can I send you logs for troubleshooting?
I don't see any switch data in the webgui, only things that show up there are CPU/RAM data. -
Note a short problem description in the text field of the upload form. cd /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd # or where is your STOR2RRD working dir tar cvhf logs.tar logs etc tmp/*txt gzip -9 logs.tar Send us logs.tar.gz via
BNA provides only CPU a Memory data.We have already seen that, BNA restart resolved it.
Thanks for the suggestion!
I did restart the BNA but I still don't get any data except CPU/Memory. Is there anything else I can try in that case? -
Hello Johannes,
can you test if BNA API provides performance statistics for ports?
Use these curl commands for that:1. Logging in- set <BNA user>, <user password>, <BNA IP>, <BNA PORT>curl -ks -X POST -H "WSUsername:<BNA user>" -H "WSPassword:<user password>" -H "Accept:application/vnd.brocade.networkadvisor+json;version=v1" -i https://<BNA IP>:<BNA PORT>/rest/login
2. realtime performance statistics for 1 SAN switch- set <WStoken>, <switchWWN>, <BNA IP>, <BNA PORT>curl -ks -X GET -H "WStoken:<WStoken>" -H "switchWWN:<switchWWN>" -H "Accept:application/vnd.brocade.networkadvisor+json;version=v1" https://<BNA IP>:<BNA PORT>/rest/fcswitchstats
3. Logging out- set <WStoken>, <BNA IP>, <BNA PORT>curl -ks -X POST -H "WStoken:<WStoken>" -H "Accept:application/vnd.brocade.networkadvisor+json;version=v1" -i https://<BNA IP>:<BNA PORT>/rest/logout
I am getting back the following error when exectuting the second command:
RSError [errorCode=8013, errorMsg=Specified Switch WWN is not Manageable in server.]
Seems like an error on the BNA Server, do you know how to resolve this by any chance? -
did you use the correct wwn?
Use "World Wide Name" for random SAN switch from configuration table and replace "<switchWWN>" in second command.
stor2rrd GUI -> SAN SWITCH BNA -> Totals -> Configuration view ("World Wide Name" column)
It should work.
Here is an example of output:curl -ks -X GET -H "WStoken:G5li5gEqh8zheruSj4mO70Kg+jE=" -H "switchWWN:10:00:00:05:1E:90:XX:XX" -H "Accept:application/vnd.brocade.networkadvisor+json;version=v1" https://XX.XX.XX.XX:443/rest/fcswitchstats
... etc. -
I tried with a few other switches now, I am getting an empty responseList
Hello Johannes,
BNA API does not provide performance statistics for ports. I'm afraid we are not able to help you.
This issue has also occurred in our lab, but in our case the restart of the BNA helped.You should contact BNA support and provide them these outputs of curl commands.
Please let us know if BNA support will know how to fix it, thank you.
Howdy, Stranger!
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