Problems getting VNXe file performance data
in EMC
I have 3 VNXe on my environment running only file access (NFS). I've configured on stor2rrd but all performance data is not available and the structure created It's missing my server names and filesystems. Are there any restrictions using this equipment model only in file access? Do I need volumes configured as block access? I got these messages after executed
Mon Sep 4 16:08:25 2017: vnxe-3100-vm2: Problem with configuration load, no VOLUME has been found, is there really exist one? : /data/stor2rrd/data/vnxe-3100-vm2/config.html bin/
Mon Sep 4 16:08:25 2017: vnxe-3100-vm2: Volumes cfg file has been found : /data/stor2rrd/data/vnxe-3100-vm2/VOLUME/volumes.cfg ./bin/
Mon Sep 4 16:08:25 2017: Exiting vnxe-3100-vm2 as some core cfg file is missing: config.html || pool.cfg || volumes.cfg
I have some errors on my error log:
Mon Sep 4 17:40:22 2017: uemcli command failed: "/usr/bin/uemcli -d -u stor2rrd -p XXXXX -noHeader /stor/prov/luns/lun show -detail -output nvp" : /data/stor2rrd/bin/ :
Mon Sep 4 17:40:22 2017: Operation failed. Error code: 0x1000300 :
Mon Sep 4 17:40:22 2017: The requested object could not be found on the system. Recheck the command name. (Error Code:0x1000300) :
looks like they are unsupported VNXe
as per :
STOR2RRD does not support VNXe series1 models which do not have block implementation:
VNXe 3100
VNXe 3150
VNXe 3300
Such storages do not provide performance data.
it's possible monitoring a EMC Celerra NX4 with DART 6.0.61?
try to configure it as VNX for file.
It is not tested but worth to try at least.
Let us know ...
ok i will work on that and i will tell you -
Hello Pavel,yesterday it was configured the NAS EMC Celerra without issue after of sometime from the GUI Stor2rrd shows the next message... No data has been collected (yet?) for selected time period.when run script the output is successfull.
I attach some files -
Send us logs pls. Note a short problem description in the text field of the upload form. cd /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd # or where is your STOR2RRD working dir tar cvhf logs.tar logs etc tmp/*txt gzip -9 logs.tar Send us logs.tar.gz via
Good day Pavel,
The file was upload and send to support.
just to close the issue.
EMC Celerra works when it is configured as VNX for file (VNXF), only the change is that user on the storage used for getting data must belong to fullnas (nasadmin) role
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