Add SVC Storage
Hi Guys, i recently added the SVC and some switches into STOR2RRD, but when ran the i received the message below:
Tue May 16 11:15:10 2017: Exiting SVC101 as some core cfg file is missing: config.html || pool.cfg || volumes.cfg
Tue May 16 11:15:10 2017: SVC101: Volumes cfg file has been found : /opt/stor2rrd/data/SVC101/VOLUME/volumes.cfg ./bin/
Tue May 16 11:15:10 2017: SVC101: Can't open /opt/stor2rrd/data/SVC101/config.html is missing (fresh install or upgrade?, then wait about 20mins) bin/
=== Check for more ===
could you please help me?
obs: the connection through ssk key is ok.
Tue May 16 11:15:10 2017: Exiting SVC101 as some core cfg file is missing: config.html || pool.cfg || volumes.cfg
Tue May 16 11:15:10 2017: SVC101: Volumes cfg file has been found : /opt/stor2rrd/data/SVC101/VOLUME/volumes.cfg ./bin/
Tue May 16 11:15:10 2017: SVC101: Can't open /opt/stor2rrd/data/SVC101/config.html is missing (fresh install or upgrade?, then wait about 20mins) bin/
=== Check for more ===
could you please help me?
obs: the connection through ssk key is ok.
Are you on the latest product level? 2.00
if you have new SVC hardware then it is supported in new version only.
Hi Pavel we installed the 2.00 version now, erased the dir SVC101 and then run again. But not worked.
Any idea?
Send us logs pls. Note a short problem description in the text field of the upload form. cd /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd # or where is your STOR2RRD working dir find data -exec ls -ld {} \; > tmp/list_data.txt ps -ef |egrep "2rrd" >> tmp/list_data.txt tar cvhf logs.tar logs etc tmp/*txt *out # do not miss "h" option in tar gzip -9 logs.tar Send us logs.tar.gz via
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