errors in script /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd/
when our script runs ( hourly ) we get the message:
( removed lines before )
( removed lines before )
start time stor: Fri Jan 6 10:33:56 CET 2017
STOR2RRD free version 1.35-1 (1.35-1)
Host :
Alarm : 3600
RRDTool version: 1.3008
Storage : XIV7803191
Storage type : XIV
IO/DATA limits : volume limits : IO_MAX:50; DATA_MAX:2048 RESPONSE_MAX:8 CACHE_MAX:2048
updating RRD : XIV7803191:XIV
config file : XIV7803191: no new config input file found
load nicks : XIV7803191 : VOLUME
loaded nicks : XIV7803191 82 (volume: 82)
volume cfg changed: 1
creating cfg : not this time - same day
clean old tmp : not this time - same day
creating cmd : XIV7803191:POOL:sum_io:d
creating cmd : XIV7803191:POOL:sum_data:d
creating cmd : XIV7803191:POOL:read_io:d
creating cmd : XIV7803191:POOL:read:d
creating cmd : XIV7803191:POOL:resp_t_r:d
creating cmd : XIV7803191:POOL:write_io:d
creating cmd : XIV7803191:POOL:write:d
creating cmd : XIV7803191:POOL:resp_t_w:d
creating top : XIV7803191:VOLUME:top:d
ERROR : volumes stats: /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd/data/XIV7803191/VOLUME/1076978.rrd does not exist, continuing /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd/bin/
creating cmd : XIV7803191:VOLUME:read_io:d
creating cmd : XIV7803191:VOLUME:read:d
creating cmd : XIV7803191:VOLUME:resp_t_r:d
creating cmd : XIV7803191:VOLUME:write_io:d
creating cmd : XIV7803191:VOLUME:write:d
creating cmd : XIV7803191:VOLUME:resp_t_w:d
global vol top : XIV7803191:VOLUME:top:avrg:d
global vol top : XIV7803191:VOLUME:top:avrg:w
global vol top : XIV7803191:VOLUME:top:avrg:m
global vol top : XIV7803191:VOLUME:top:max:d
global vol top : XIV7803191:VOLUME:top:max:w
global vol top : XIV7803191:VOLUME:top:max:m
Custom start : free : 1
Finished : Fri Jan 6 10:34:10 2017, run time: 0 secs
in the error ; the script wants
but we have this:
This is not a real volume on XIV but a reference for ofline replication of a volume, maybe this is the problem?
1) how to clean?
2) can we exclude these type of volumes?
in the error ; the script wants
but we have this:
[root@pmg-bob01 ~]# ll /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd/data/XIV7803191/VOLUME/1076978*.rrd
-rw-r--r-- 1 stor2rrd stor2rrd 2120528 Jan 6 11:15 /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd/data/XIV7803191/VOLUME/1076978-P393089.rrd
[root@pmg-bob01 ~]# grep 1076978 /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd/data/XIV7803191/VOLUME/volumes.cfg
last-replicated-vmware_onp_PEGASOS_lpr-bat01_SRM_vgpegasosprod : 1076978;
This is not a real volume on XIV but a reference for ofline replication of a volume, maybe this is the problem?
1) how to clean?
2) can we exclude these type of volumes?
only VolumesTOP is affected. Can you see there any volume from this storage?
Pls once more this, strange above error should not happen:
ls -l /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd/data/XIV7803191/VOLUME/1076978*
To Pavel,
not only in the "TOP" ,
But also here into the "yearly" screen AND the "aggregated" view
PS: this devices are no read devices , but references used in XIV to dynamicly sync a pool from one XIV to an other. -
Send us logs pls. Note a short problem description in the text field of the upload form.
cd /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd # or where is your STOR2RRD working dir
find data -exec ls -ld {} \; > tmp/list_data.txt
ps -ef |egrep "2rrd|svc|xiv|ds8|ds5|hus|vspg|netapp|horcm" >> tmp/list_data.txt
tar cvhf logs.tar logs etc tmp/*txt *out # do not miss "h" option in tar
gzip -9 logs.tar
Send us logs.tar.gz via
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