error adding non cisco network switch
I am trying to add a snmpv3 network switch and am getting this error.
when I run the command at the console I get this.
when I try to add the switch there isnt a place for the encryption key
I looked at the cisco add and I see the same issue.
Are we supposed to add these via the console, or is there a patch I am missing.
is it about SAN or LAN switch? Use authNoPriv or authPriv security level.
NOTE: AES256 and SHA512 is not yet supported and will not work.
LAN switch
there should be a place for the encryption key, right?
No, only Auth and Priv passwords.
I was able to get it to work once I deleted the object and recreated it. quessing something didnt change correclty when i changed auth levels.
Howdy, Stranger!
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