SANnav configuration fails to start kafka

Hi All

I have a problem with my SANnav installation in Stor2rrd 7.90, the Kafka consumer deamon is not running.

System info:  Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.15.0-112-generic x86_64)

My (from the GUI) SANnav host connection test looks like this:

STOR2RRD version: 7.90 (free)

API host network connection: OK

TCP connection to 10.x.x.y:443 is OK.

STOR2RRD version: 7.90 (free)

API host network connection:

KAFKA network connection (usually on the same machine as STOR2RRD): Warning

TCP connection to 10.x.x.x:8081 has failed! Open it on the firewall.

TCP connection to 10.x.x.x:9092 has failed! Open it on the firewall.

Crontab test: OK

API authorization: OK

Switches : 80

Fabrics : 10

Kafka data test: NOK

Kafka consumer daemon is not running ( 10.x.x.x).

Try this connection test again after 10 minutes.


The log looks like this:

stor2rrd:/home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd$ sudo cat logs/error.log-kafka-consumer-10.x.x.x

Traceback (most recent call last):

 File "/home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd/bin/", line 2, in <module>

   from kafkian import Consumer

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'kafkian'

I've used the Ubuntu / Debian installation dokumentation:

apt install python3-pip

apt install python3-requests

apt install python3-dev

apt install librdkafka-dev


  • Hi PerT,

    1) Have you installed the "kafkian" module?

    Try running 'pip3 list' to see installed modules (as stor2rrd)

    pip3 list | grep kafkian

    Installation instructions from STOR2RRD website:

    Install kafkian module as stor2rrd

    [stor2rrd@xorux]$ pip3 install --user kafkian

    2) Have you deployed Kafka cluster (NorthBound server)



  • PerT
    edited August 2


    Thx PeWu/Petr for your help



  • PerT
    edited August 2

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