New install - Azure connection menu issue

Morning all

I've recently set up a new install of lpar2 running 7.80-1.

Install on Ubuntu linux seemed ok, can get to the site etc. The connections to the Azure subscriptions work and when running the it finds the data/VMs etc and has created the files in the /data folder. The issue seems to be with the creation of the site menus during the

In the runtime log there is the following


going this way 244

menu : menu_azure.json is missing, force it to create a new one

installing WWW : azure

Host identif : Linux


The Azure error log mentions a malformed json string.

Have you seen this before and is this a install issue or permissions thing maybe ? Any help appreciated as always




  • Hi Phil,

    please send logs:

    cd /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd # or your LPAR2RRD working dir

    tar cvhf logs.tar logs tmp/*txt tmp/*json data/Azure/*json

    gzip -9 logs.tar

    Send us logs.tar.gz via

  • Hi Matej

    Many thanks .. i have uploaded some logs for you


  • Hello Phil,

    can you see the conf.json file in your data/Azure folder?

  • Hi Patrick

    In the Azure folder i can see :

    drwxr-xr-x 2 lpar2rrd lpar2rrd 4096 Jun 3 14:45 app

    drwxr-xr-x 2 lpar2rrd lpar2rrd 4096 Jun 3 14:45 conf

    drwxr-xr-x 2 lpar2rrd lpar2rrd 4096 Jun 5 10:03 json

    drwxr-xr-x 2 lpar2rrd lpar2rrd 57344 Jun 3 14:45 last

    drwxr-xr-x 2 lpar2rrd lpar2rrd 4096 Jun 3 14:45 region

    drwxr-xr-x 2 lpar2rrd lpar2rrd 20480 Jun 4 22:23 vm

    In the conf folder i can see

    -rw-r--r-- 1 lpar2rrd lpar2rrd 152887 Jun 5 09:45 'xxx IT – EMEA - CORP - NON_PROD.json'

    -rw-r--r-- 1 lpar2rrd lpar2rrd 342566 Jun 5 10:03 'xxx IT – EMEA - RETAIL - NON_PROD.json'

    There are no files in the json folder

    I cant see a specific file called conf.json



  • Hello Phil,

    please send me the output of ./ > output.log,

    and if possible, attach the two configuration files in the conf folder.

    -rw-r--r-- 1 lpar2rrd lpar2rrd 152887 Jun 5 09:45 'xxx IT – EMEA - CORP - NON_PROD.json'

    -rw-r--r-- 1 lpar2rrd lpar2rrd 342566 Jun 5 10:03 'xxx IT – EMEA - RETAIL - NON_PROD.json'

  • Hello Phil,

    the issue could be with the hostname part IT - EMEA. Consider replacing the slash between IT and EMEA with a different character, as it is not a standard character.

    After making the changes, try running ./ and then ./ html. Once it completes, refresh your lpar2rrd in your browser. If you do not see Azure in the menu, please follow the instructions given in the comment above.

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