XorMon New Generation v1.0.0 release
the new level of infrastructure performance monitoring is here.
XorMon NG is a modern replacement for our original set of monitoring tools XorMon Original, LPAR2RRD and STOR2RRD.
It brings a new level of infrastructure monitoring by relying on modern technology stack, including TimescaleDB, microservices and React-based UI.
In particular reporting, exporting, alerting and presentation capabilities are unique on the market.
To learn more about XorMon NG check the demo site https://demo.xormon.com/
XorMon NG is an Open Source product released under GPL v3.
It comes with 2 months trial license, then it will be switched to the free edition with some restrictions (similar to our original tools).
Our customers using our original tools are entitled to get the Enterprise Edition license for XorMon NG, all is covered by their existing support contract.
We just installed XorMon NG - looks good -- Please Integrate Brocade SANnav
as per our priorities end of 2024, actually no priority for us, sorry
Howdy, Stranger!
- 1.6K All Categories
- 155 LPAR2RRD
- 13 VMware
- 16 IBM i
- 2 oVirt / RHV
- 4 MS Windows and Hyper-V
- Solaris / OracleVM
- XenServer / Citrix
- Nutanix
- 7 Database
- 2 Cloud
- 10 Kubernetes / OpenShift / Docker
- 125 STOR2RRD
- 19 SAN
- 7 LAN
- 17 IBM
- 3 EMC
- 12 Hitachi
- 5 NetApp
- 15 HPE
- Lenovo
- 1 Huawei
- 2 Dell
- Fujitsu
- 2 DataCore
- 3 Pure Storage
- Oracle