IBM FlashSystem 5200 ports drawing issue
I've noticed recently that our stor2rrd server is drawing additional ports which don't exists in configuration for our FS 5200.
It has 2 nodes, each node one FC card and only 2 ports are used and cabled to the SAN. Below output from cli:
id fc_io_port_id port_id type port_speed node_id node_name WWPN nportid status attachment cluster_use adapter_location adapter_port_id
0 1 1 fc 32Gb 1 node1 500507681211155D 652200 active switch local_partner 1 1
1 2 2 fc 32Gb 1 node1 500507681212155D 662200 active switch local_partner 1 2
24 1 1 fc 32Gb 3 node2 500507681211155E 652600 active switch local_partner 1 1
25 2 2 fc 32Gb 3 node2 500507681212155E 662600 active switch local_partner 1 2
In stor2rrd server in "data" folder, file port.cfg is correct:
$ cat PORT/port.cfg
node1_p01:(FC 500507681211155D)
node1_p02:(FC 500507681212155D)
node2_p01:(FC 500507681211155E)
node2_p02:(FC 500507681212155E)
But file ports.col is showing additional ports from p03 to p07 for each node,
and what's the worse it sees some traffic on _p03 for both and drawing it in GUI.
$ cat PORT/ports.col
0 : node1_p01 (FC 500507681211155D)
1 : node1_p02 (FC 500507681212155D)
2 : node1_p03
3 : node1_p04
4 : node1_p05
5 : node1_p06
6 : node1_p07
7 : node2_p01 (FC 500507681211155E)
8 : node2_p02 (FC 500507681212155E)
9 : node2_p03
10 : node2_p04
11 : node2_p05
12 : node2_p06
13 : node2_p07
I have already tried to delete this 5200 from stor2rrd configuration, delete all required folders and files,
then add it again to stor2rrd and rerun again. But it behaves the same , it still sees ports p03 to p07
and some traffic on p03.
We are running firmware Version: , and model is 4662-6H2 .
What version of stor2rrd do you have?
Thank you
newest version
STOR2RRD version 7.60
Send us logs.
Note a short problem description in the text field of the upload form.
cd /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd # or where is your STOR2RRD working dir
tar cvhf logs.tar logs tmp/*txt
gzip -9 logs.tar
Send us logs.tar.gz via
Thank you
Logs sent via link above. Thanks.
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