lpar2rrd proxmox: VM Top list/table of VMs different length for every type of metric

edited December 2022 in LPAR2RRD

i wonder why the tables are differnt in length.

is a vm only being shown if either avrg/max is ">0" ?

there is also some weirdness, as some powered down VMs show up there with CPU% ">2", that cannot be correct.

furthermore, the abbreviation of average is avg/av, there is often "avrg" being used and it's not consistently being used, too:

b419fbaf2814:~/lpar2rrd/bin$ grep -ri " avrg " .|wc -l


b419fbaf2814:~/lpar2rrd/bin$ grep -ri " avg " .|wc -l


hope all this feedback is welcome , please let me know if not ok. i want to help improving this product


  • Thanks for the feedback, we will fix everything.

    I just need some examples from above issues, fee free to send us some screneshots via support at lpar2rrd dot com.

    > is a vm only being shown if either avrg/max is ">0" ?

    > there is also some weirdness, as some powered down VMs show up there with CPU% ">2", that cannot be correct.

  • i sent an email. thanks

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