Problem acquisition CPU POOL HOST in HMC

Hi all,

I've installed an LPAR2RRD 7.50 server and I've configured it to acquire data from an HMC, rel > 9, by RestAPI.

The various HOSTS look like are acquired properly, but under the SERVER section in the GUI, where I have my IBM HOSTS, I'm able to only see the each LPARS but I'm not able to seen the CPU POOLS, memories etc etc about each hosts.

What am I doing wrong?

Have you guys any suggestions?



  • what is your lpar2rrd server version?

  • Hi Pavel,

    my LPAR2RRD version is 7.50 and run on a Centos 8.5

  • Send us logs.

    Note a short problem description in the text field of the upload form.

    cd /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd # or where is your LPAR2RRD working dir

    tar cvhf logs.tar logs tmp/*txt

    gzip -9 logs.tar

    Send us logs.tar.gz via

  • I've just send the log

  • Solved by SUPPORT

    It was a GUI Problem

    Here below the solution

    >refresh the menu manually <

     # cd /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd; #or your LPAR2RRD dir

    # rm tmp/menu*;

    #./ html

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