3par CPG alert
your right, it is something missing for 3par, we support it for other storage devices.
It will be added in the next version.
Pavel thanks for the feedback. I really look forward to the appearance of this feature in the next version.
we are working on it already, we will let you know once it is done and send you a new version.
Here is the new version:
Here is the upgrade documentation:
Thank you for the fast reply, i test upgrade and now everything is work exept it broke my Hitachi storages:
i get the error:
API authorization:NOK
"cause" : "The Authorization header is incorrect.", "detailCode" : "40002E-0" "errorSource" : "/ConfigurationManager/v1/objects/storages/730000211918/sessions", "message" : "User authentication failed.", "messageId" : "KART40002-E", "solution" : "Check and revise the Authorization header, if necessary.", Assure that OpenSSL works: echo "" | openssl s_client -connect ERROR: Command failed! Model is not supported or Software version may less than 83-05-xx-yy! Check supported models : https://www.stor2rrd.com/Hitachi-VSPG-REST_API.php Session id or token is not defined! { }
could you pls help to fix this?
According to the error, the username or password is entered incorrectly in form. Check it out.
Thank you
Hi, Lukas
I check the username and password twice, also i try to re-enter them and re-add storage but get the same error
I also check the the credentials executing same api call using postman and it works.
ok. Try this curl command:
curl -k -X POST -u <user>:<password> https://<IP>:23451/ConfigurationManager/v1/objects/storages/730000211918/sessions -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Connection: keep-alive'
Thank you
Hi Lukas
ok. It is strange.
1. Are there special characters in the password?
2. Do the following:
su -l stor2rrd (lpar2rrd on virtual appliance)
cd /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd # or where is your STOR2RRD working dir
./bin/config_check.sh <STORAGE ALIAS>
Thank you
- password contain four letters , four numbers and "+" symbol
STORAGE: htc01m1: VSPG
TCP connection to "" on port "1099" is ok
TCP connection to "" on port "51099" is ok
TCP connection to "" on port "51100" is ok
WARNING : TCP connection to "" on port "51101" has failed! It might need to be open on the firewall.
/usr/bin/perl /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd/bin/vspg_apitest.pl htcadmin XXXXX https htc01m1 apitest 730000211918 23451
ERROR: Command
[lpar2rrd@xorux stor2rrd]$ ./bin/config_check.sh htc01m1
Assure that OpenSSL works: echo "" | openssl s_client -connect
"errorSource" : "/ConfigurationManager/v1/objects/storages/730000211918/snmp-settings/instance",
"message" : "The API is not supported for the specified storage system. (URL = v1/objects/storages/730000211918/snmp-settings/instance, HTTP method = GET, storage device ID = 730000211918)",
"solution" : "Check and, if necessary, revise the specification of the storage system.",
"messageId" : "KART40110-E",
"detailCode" : "40110E-0"
Assure that OpenSSL works: echo "" | openssl s_client -connect
find: ‘/opt/hds/ERROR:’: No such file or directory
find: ‘Command’: No such file or directory
find: ‘https:-*’: No such file or directory
Export tool version is not defined
connection failed!!
No LAN configured :
chmod: changing permissions of ‘/home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd/logs/config_check.out’: Operation not permitted
seem's we have issue that i reported in that thread https://forum.xorux.com/discussion/1321/hus-vm-via-api#latest
Try this fix:
Gunzip it and copy to /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd/bin (755, stor2rrd owner)
-rwxr-xr-x 1 stor2rrd stor2rrd 9948 Nov 3 12:19 vspg_apitest.pl
If your web browser gunzips it automatically then just rename it: mv vspg_apitest.pl.gz vspg_apitest.pl
Assure that file size is the same as on above example
after copy script to bin directory
su -l stor2rrd (lpar2rrd on virtual appliance)
cd /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd # or where is your STOR2RRD working dir
./bin/config_check.sh htc01m1
cat tmp/htc01m1-perf-last.txt | head -20
cat tmp/htc01m1-conf-last.txt | head -20
Thank you
attach output:
STORAGE: htc01m1: VSPG
TCP connection to "" on port "1099" is ok
TCP connection to "" on port "51099" is ok
TCP connection to "" on port "51100" is ok
WARNING : TCP connection to "" on port "51101" has failed! It might need to be open on the firewall.
/usr/bin/perl /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd/bin/vspg_apitest.pl htcadmin XXXXX https htc01m1 apitest 730000211918 23451
ERROR: Command failed!
Assure that OpenSSL works: echo "" | openssl s_client -connect
"errorSource" : "/ConfigurationManager/v1/objects/storages/730000211918/snmp-settings/instance",
"message" : "The API is not supported for the specified storage system. (URL = v1/objects/storages/730000211918/snmp-settings/instance, HTTP method = GET, storage device ID = 730000211918)",
"solution" : "Check and, if necessary, revise the specification of the storage system.",
"messageId" : "KART40110-E",
"detailCode" : "40110E-0"
Assure that OpenSSL works: echo "" | openssl s_client -connect
Machine Type-Model:
Machine Serial:
IP address controller A:
IP address controller B:
Software Version: 73-03-74/00
Export tool version : 1
Export tool start [Version 73-03-73/00]
command file = /opt/hds/hds_test/command2.txt
[ 1] svpip ; Specifies IP adress of SVP
[ 2] login User = [htcadmin], Passwd = [****************]
[SVP Version] 73-03-73/00
[ExportTool version] 73-03-73/00
[ 3] show ; output storing period
Monitoring time range
Short Range From : 2022/11/02 14:32 - To : 2022/11/03 14:32 Interval : 1min.
Long Range From : 2022/08/03 23:00 - To : 2022/11/03 14:00 Interval : 15min.
[ 4] group Port ; Port usage
[ 5] shortrange -0001:
shortrange [2022/11/03 14:31:00]:[2022/11/03 14:32:00], count = 1
[ 6] outpath "/opt/hds/hds_test/performance" ; specifies the sub-directory in which files will be saved
[ 7] option nocompress
[ 8] apply
Start gathering port data
Target = 32, Total = 32
End gathering port data
Start gathering Initiator port data
Target = 0, Total = 0
End gathering Initiator port data
Export tool end
connection ok
No LAN configured :
chmod: changing permissions of ‘/home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd/logs/config_check.out’: Operation not permitted
[lpar2rrd@xorux stor2rrd]$ cat tmp/htc01m1-perf-last.txt | head -20
Capacity Level Statistics
Interval Start: 2022:11:03T10:54:00
Interval End: 2022:11:03T10:59:00
Interval Length: 300
Volume Level Statistics
Interval Start: 2022:11:03T10:54:00
Interval End: 2022:11:03T10:59:00
Interval Length: 300
ID,IO Rate(IOPS),Read Rate(IOPS),Write Rate(IOPS),Read Hit(%),Write Hit(%),Read Trans. Size(kB/s),Write Trans. Size(kB/s),Read response time,Write response time,Capacity(MB),Used(MB),Data rate back,IO rate back,seq_read_io,rnd_read_io,seq_write_io,rnd_write_io,seq_read_hit,rnd_read_hit,seq_write_hit,rnd_write_hit
[lpar2rrd@xorux stor2rrd]$ cat tmp/htc01m1-conf-last.txt | head -20
Configuration Data
Machine Name: htc01m1
Machine Type-Model: HUS VM
Machine Serial: 211835
IP address controller A:
IP address controller B:
Export Tool Version: 73-03-73/00
Software Version: 73-03-74/00
Machine Name: htc01m1
Machine Type-Model: HUS VM
[lpar2rrd@xorux stor2rrd]$
but there still error in gui check and unfortunally no data(
Hi Xorux Team!
Is there any update of issue with Hitachi ?
I apologize for delay. You ignore connection test error of the storage via GUI. We will send you the fix. Do you see data in GUI? If not send us logs:
cd /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd # or where is your STOR2RRD working dir
tar cvhf logs.tar logs tmp/*txt data/htc01m1/log/*
gzip -9 logs.tar
Send us logs.tar.gz via https://upload.stor2rrd.com
Thank you
Hi Lukas
There is still no data in the GUI for htc01m1.
Logs uploaded
Hi Lukas, thank you for assistance.
I have question about 3par cpg alert, i see that you add total capacity for alerting, but is it possible to add alert per cpg (tier in stor2rrd concept)?
1. About connection test of the storage via GUI. Try this fix:
Gunzip it and copy to /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd/bin (755, lpar2rrd owner)
-rwxr-xr-x 1 stor2rrd stor2rrd 61025 9. Nov 10.55 device_cfg.pl
If your web browser gunzips it automatically then just rename it: mv device_cfg.pl.gz device_cfg.pl
Assure that file size is the same as on above example
then try connection test of the storage via GUI
2. About your question. This feature is implemented. You mentioned (above in this thread) that it works after the upgrade.
Thank you
Hi Lukas
1) Done but unfortunately did not fix the GUI test connection of Hitachi (attached screenshot)
2) Strange but after all updates and patches i have only this options for 3par alerting. Could it be because my 3par added via ssh (not via api)?
1. We will prepare a debugging script for you.
2. No. It doesn't matter if you use ssh or rest api. Do the following
cd /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd # or where is your STOR2RRD working dir
ls -l html/jquery/ > tmp/html.txt
ls -l www/jquery/ > tmp/www.txt
ls -l data/3PAR-SOLOD/ > 3par_list.txt
tar cvhf logs.tar tmp/*txt
gzip -9 logs.tar
Send us logs.tar.gz via https://upload.stor2rrd.com
Note: We will continue via email. Here we will present a workaround.
Thank you
Sorry it was my browser cache, 3par cpg alert fork fine
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