Load problem new CU:ldev created and masked
I have a problem to load(update) a new cu:ldev created in the specific dir and in the storage items dashboard.
for example i see all ldev create on CU 20: but i don't see the ldev create on CU 23: and 2A:.
there's any config file to update the new cu or what can be the problem?
the storage is a VSPG and the load .sh start every 5min in cron
available for any questions
thanks and regards
Hi,do you have enabled monitoring of all CUs?https://stor2rrd.com/Hitachi-VSPG-VSP-HUS-AMS-HNAS-monitoring.php --> Allow monitoring of CU and WWN
I Pavel,thank you very much for your support and i allow monitoring of the new CU and now it works.I have another curiosity about this case, after allowed the new CU last friday, the first load in cron had "discovered" the new cu:ldev under this path:/home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd/data/VSPG-XXXXXX/VOLUME/but the web browser it didn't show them to me and the file /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd/data/VSPG-XXXXXX/VOLUME/volumes.col is not updated with new cu:ldev.today, when i check it, the browser and volume.col file are corrected and updated with a new cu:ldev.is correct that data items are updated the day after?if is correct, there's a way to update manually the data items by cli?thanks and regards again
it should be updated in an hour usually , you could try Ctrl-F5 after an hour.When it does not happen then in the works case the midnight back-end processing recognizes it.
thank you
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