IOPS Spike filter

edited July 2020 in STOR2RRD

We touched issue with abnormal IOPS measure, can we set spike filter?

STOR2RRD version 2.70-1
Device Fujitsu Eternus DX200 S4



  • Hi,

    it is something we have never seen, storage had to provide such data.
    If that happened once only and you do not care of perf data of that volume then easiest way is delete data of that volume. Would that be acceptable for you?
  • edited July 2020
    We cannot delete the entire history, or do you mean to delete only the RRD file for this volume?

    We you STOR2RRD approximately 8 months, and the problem was noticed only once

    For a more detailed consideration, the problem affected 6 volumes, we will not delete the history, we will reconsider the approach to using charts if there are no other options.
  • yep, just this volume

    you will find it in data/<storage>/VOLUME
    check volumes.cfg to find rrdtool file name
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