New V5030 added with success but not in the Storage list


Few days ago I add an storewize system V5030 to stor2rrd. The tell me that it's working, but I cannot see it in the left Storage menu (I see my others storewize system). That's strange because that new storewize appears in Green in the HEALTH STATUS!


  • Hi,

    send us logs

    Note a short problem description in the text field of the upload form.

    cd /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd # or where is your STOR2RRD working dir

    tar cvhf logs.tar logs tmp/*txt

    gzip -9 logs.tar

    Send us logs.tar.gz via

  • Thanks
  • I'm sending the log back soon.
  • we reboot our server automatically every month. The stor2rrd server reboot this week-end and now the new V5030 added recently is in the list! Does we need to reboot to make new storage appears?!
  • Hi,

    deninitelly not :)

    Was there any volume configured before?
    Stoarage appers there only of there is at least single volume configured.

    We got logs but you have not provide a storage name.

  • the new added V5030 was qdmtlv5k05
  • Volume was not configured day 1, but soon after added.
  • edited May 2020
    that explains it, storage appears in the UI as soon as there is at least 1 configured volume
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