I changed the mailfrom variable in the code as per your instructions above.
Found a solution to my issue, so thought I would share. Used postfix to resolve. Added the following to last line of /etc/postfix/ file smtp_generic_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/generic Added the following to the last line of /etc/postfix/generic lpar2rrd user@fqdn stor2rrd user@fqdn Ran postmap /etc/postfix/generic…
Running the latest code 2.01, and that location "mailfrom" was changed. But receiving hardware errors "from": "" in my alert system.
Looks like there is a hard coded email from "lpar2rrd" somewhere. On hardware failures I am getting a "rejected" email from this from address. Where might this be in the code? Thanks,
Thank you.
Howdy, Stranger!