Brocade CRC errors

I've noted that in some cases I'm having CRC errors but they are not collected in graph, in other cases they are collected.

Loking at the porterrshow command there are two CRC values:

crc_err: Number of frames with CRC errors received (Rx).

crc_g_eof: Number of frames with CRC errors with a good EOF received (Rx).

I can find CRC in graph if they are counted in "crc_g_eof". When CRC are only counted as "crc_err" they are not displayed in the graphs

As stated by the description, crc_err should be the total number of crc while crc_g_eof should be a subset of crc_err. In this case it should be better colletting the "total" counter.


  • Hi,

    you are right.

    We used connUnitPortStatCountInvalidCRC which is crc_g_eof in portErrShow cli command.

    It is now changed to crc_err swConnUnitCRCWithBadEOF

    Use this file as a fix:

    Gunzip it and copy to /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd/bin (755, stor2rrd owner)

    -rwxr-xr-x 1 stor2rrd stor2rrd 138398 Mar 14 10:24

    If your web browser gunzips it automatically then just rename it: mv

    Assure that file size is the same as on above example

    We've updated our repository as well.

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