FlashBlade Throughput and S3 Buckets Missing

I'm testing Stor2RRD with Pure FlashBlade running Purity version: 3.3.1 where only the S3 protocol is in use. Stor2RRD has been collecting for almost 3 hours now. The "/Pool/Data" (throughput) and "/Pool/Block Size" graphs show no activity. Everything else seems to be populating although the "/Pool/Response Time" graphs are reading much higher than what I see in the Purity GUI. 

Since we are using only S3, the /IO (IOPs) measurement is of little value unless for S3 it means Objects/sec. Throughput is required to see how much data is flowing through GET or PUT operations. Additionally, the only stats I see under /S3 is /IO and /Response Time, so no /Data stat available.

I also don't see the S3 Buckets under /S3/Items.

Let me know if this is just how it works so far and if these things are planned for the future.

Thank you.


  • Hi,

    ok, look here what is supported/implemented, sounds that you see evrything what is there https://stor2rrd.com/support_matrix.php

    this is something you are missing in our implementation right?
    - S3 data
    - S3 buckets
    I will note it into our todo, however do not expect its implementations anytime soon

    this is wrong:
    - pool data
    - pool latency

    send us logs in regards of pool stats and some screenshoot to document the issue
    Note a short problem description in the text field of the upload form.

    cd /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd # or where is your STOR2RRD working dir

    tar cvhf logs.tar logs tmp/*txt

    gzip -9 logs.tar

    Send us logs.tar.gz via https://upload.stor2rrd.com

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