Thanks, Already uploaded
Hi No, no data is populated. Device is populated to the left pane, but all values are empty
Thanks. I waited for a while and performed additional troubleshoouting before send the files. I just uploaded the logs and screenshots for reference. Thanks in advance
Sure, as there is a connectivity stopper. Once have answer from vendor will be updating the resolution
And not V3 enabled in that system.
Thanks again Found 2 issues. Command fails as per current community ends with "&". Changed to public temporarily and got Timeout message. Timeout: No Response from XXXXX But the conntest_udp shows good. What can be causing that timeout? Not found any additional port to be opened as per doc
Thanks, 1.- Yes, It's enabled. The only difference as it's different community, as is was defiined for other purposes. I tried temporary change to "public" without success. 2.- Yes, is working. What is not working is the API Authorization 3.- I have more than 30 devices, so I just started with 7, all with…
Howdy, Stranger!