In the main health page I have a list of instances and their databases. For the SQL server instance that have some databases that are not readable I have only one row where the first column is a gray dot followed by alias, instance, last update and finally status reason. The database listed is the one I specified when…
Thanks for the reply. Yes, I seems to be that no value is returned for that metric. The query I can find that tries to collect locking and deadlock information is joining sys.dm_os_performance_counters with sys.databases on I.instance_name = and that will not have any matches as instance_name for the locking…
Thanks, after installing the patch it works fine. Information about non AG-databases is collected as well as system wide information on the secondary replica.
Thanks, I will test and get back to you with the results.
The patch you provided seems to be working. Now I get information about all databases available on the SQL Server instance. Thanks, I will continue with my tests and let you know if I have any other issue :)
Thanks, I will test and get back to you.
Howdy, Stranger!